The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

The Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday, May 25, 1985 Page 69 ruicmc cnsvnomiBs UamM Part ooinrolbsirQ RUN TODAY 1-1235 WhitsundaV Village 1632m Apprentices can claim WEATHER: Fine. TRACK: Good Of $12.000: 1st $7,900: 2nd Wi mW et WW. ewwf ftiru $2,400: 3rd SI .2 00; 4th $500. ArWi 1-1 0 9 0 PLAIN NONSENSE TM 2100m Crest International Cup May 11 PURPLE IN (J Atkins) 4g 7th Our Compromise Dbn 2200m Labour Day Cup May 6. Needs to improve.

2nk. 1 3a len 3rd Grey Colnik. No Conscience EF 2125m Easter Cup Apr 6. THE COB (N Dawson) 6g: Well out of form. 9th Hoist Your Own EF 1827m May 18 after 7th Mr Hunter Dbn 2025m Apr 27.

WHO'S CALLING 0 Atkins) Sm: Rewarded for frustrating run of minor placings with shtnk win Chevhe Prince. Noble Suva EF 1 8 1 0m Grad May 1 1 This big step up in grade. Dangerous PAcmc Maitland RUN TONISHT EXTRA TRIFECTA 1 7.05 CONDITIONED STKS 2250m 1 -239 TAN LOB ELL fr 2 -713 BIG THRILL fr 3 -898 ROUGH WATERS fr 4 -983 SPITTING IMAGE 5 227 TIME TO FIRE fr 8 278 TITIAN'S EARL fr 7 -577 MEDIEVAL duch*eSS fr 8 -200 MARTIN MARAUDER fr 9 -045 STAR OF JUSTIN fr BEAU TRELAY (K Walker) 5g: Syd visitor whose latest form is poor. Last time long last Guria hill 1900m Wit May 18. LINGA LONGA (A I Gillespie) 5g Ran best race for some time when nk.

hd 3rd Dashing Dancer. How To Blush Dbn 1648m May 1 S. Better suited this longer distance. NO VANITY (B McLachlan) 5g: No real form in two starts this campaign. Followed 8th Tennis Dbn 1621m Grad May 4 with 5th Terringer Dbn 1648m Trans May OWN PRINCE (J Wallace) 6g No form this campaign.

Last time well beaten 7th Noble Lad EF tab Tmracm TINTAGLE (12) INASPACE TM (1) ROCKATHON (6) SURFS IN SESSION GASPARINE TM (9) 2- 8 0 0 6 3- 6 6 6 2 4-6 9 8 0 5- 7 3 5 3 6- 150 7- 5 1 6 8- 9 6 0 9- 6 9 3 3 State Affair Quality 1632m Apprentices cannot claim Of SI 5.000: 1 ft 1 2nd S3.000; 3rd 1 ,500: 4th $300. V-9 1 1 7 SAN LEFAIR (4) GLCookslev 55 2- 1 1 1 0 BELLIHO (9) 52.5 3- O100 CLAIM THE QUEST (8) Kearney 50 4- 3 2 1 KELLY'S POOL TM (6) Small 50 STAR AM YN TM" (13) BIG CHEER (4) CUT ABOUT GUN (3) GREAT CHOICE (14) KING CHABYLON (5) REGOLI (8) 2AMA2EPHYR (10) GAYBERNIE (7) 10- 1 4 0 3 11- 0 6 3 2 12- 0 44 2 13- 4 0 2 3 14-? 3 0 3 Tima Hertld Herald Sun Mirror Recorder Sportsman ttaCB iling boscuatis mike cowley tony migahey RADIANT R03 RAdIanT ROB Tl5 CSUnTRV RADIANT ROB INDIANA BALE INDIANA BaLE tM Indiana Bale Twin Tock Balinea Dawn Tieer Country Tieer Country Twin Trick Tieer Country Indiana Bale Radiant Robert Twin Trick Radiant Robert Tieer Country I OUEEM'S Cftoig OUEEhl'S. gftoiS- OuEWs '6UEEKIS gRoti' EMU DEiiftE QUtEM'S 2 mm Wavertone Ltd Emu Desire Emu Desire Emu Desire Outcn's Cross Emu Desire OO Emu Desire Wavertone Lad Lambeth Wondtr Wavertone Lad Lambeth Wonder Wavertone Lad TacWCaRPU" TacMVcardIa-" TaChVcar6ia TacYCaRdIa" TACHYCARDIA 3 0 4 Creak Force Narara City Lease Of Lite Another Ace Narara City Lease Of Life O.l Narara City Lease Of Life Narara City Lease Of Lite Lease Of Life Narara City I LIMEKIS IEST k6 CHOV MATCHLESS M. MO ChoV BEEJAV MATCHLESS 4" leeiav kale Matchless Marl Ho Chov Matchless Marl Linens Beat Ho Choy (UU Matchless Mart Linens Best Seeiey Bale Tuuana Bess Ho Choy Beeiay Bale i EE5EAL MIGhTV TERROR TInkEr ROCKET TiMKEft ROCKET' TIMKEft OCkET TIKIkEft rOCkET 5r rr Mighty Terror Tinkers Rocket Mighty Terror Ahsha Best. Mighty Terror Mighty Terror (Uj Alisha Best Myall Flyer Alisha Best Mighty Terror Myall Flyer Myall Flyer SECRET 5hY JULIE SHV JULIE CEnT dREAN SECRET AfiEKiT" ShV 1UL1E 6 Shy Julie Secret Agent Century Dream Shy Julie Sarah Bale Secret Agent Century Dream Century bream Secret Agent Secret Agent Century Dream Century Dream SIL' AWiEVER WESTERN BEAU WESTERN BEAU SIL ACHIEVER SIL.1 ACWIEvER 7A Am Western Beau S'lent Achiever Silent Achwver Western Beau Western Beau Western Beau 9.45 Manly Devil Manly Devil Casil Kid Manly Devil Manly Devil Casilis Kid BAI5V EMM bAISV EMM NATURAL ROAr REgI6nIAl' wAVE bAISV EmM BAI5V EMm 8n a Windmill Lad Regional Wave Rapid Supreme Raoid Supreme Rapid Supreme Rapid Supreme lO.lO Regional Wave Rapid Supreme Windmill Lad WindmtH Lad Windmill Lad Windmill Lad BANDAlD BaKIdAiO BANDAID BANDAIO BANOAID SEA PILOT 9 1 Barney Lion Kvm Dance Pound Keeper Pound Keeper Kym Dance In Touch IUmSO Pound Keeoer Pound Keeper Kyms Dance Sea Pilot Pound Keeper Pound Keeper PR6U0 w6RlE PRoUB WORLD 1 RfeoUB WORLO RRdUo WORLD 1 proUd WORLD CASEV IMAGE In ef Jalengla King Casey Image Tinker Pnde Rocket Wayne Casey Image Jalengla King 1Q.33 tasevs Image Rocket Wayne Rocket Wayne latengla King lalengta King Proud World Seventel ABorenticea Of $12.000: 1st 2nd 1- 0 1 0 6 2- 6 0 9 3- 2 45 4-6 3 7 ASCANUS (16) BARON RED (10) BUSTER'S MISTAKE ED CHAUDIERE REGOLI 1 Saris la Session 2 laaspacc 3 BETTING: 5-2 Surfs In Session 3 Reeofl 4 Inaspece t-2 Zamaiephyr 8 Great Choice, Gay Bernie 1 0 Star Amyn, Cut About Gun 1 6 Tlntagle 20 Plain Nonsense.

Kins Chabyion 33 CSasparlna 50 Rockathan, Big Cheer. Duffy 54 54 (5) Williams 54 (2) (a) Watson 54 MAKE IT BRIEF (14) (a) Symons 54 ROCK LEGEND (15) (a) Crillev 54 TRUE VERSION (12) Greg Hall 54 WONGA PRINCE (3) LDittman 54 ZIPENKO (7) GBirrer 54 BOURBON LACE (1) (a) Rockett 51 CHAUDIMAO (6) Walk 51 EXCITA8LE LADY TM (4) MPelling51 LARCH STREET (11) (a)SScriven 51 LEENAGO (13) KSmith51 MORLIN MAID (9) PCook 51 SOVERINA (8) GWilletts 51 5- 2 3 0 9 TIDE TIME (1) LDittman SO 6- 0 9 0 PATHFINDER FORCE (7) (a) Symons 49 7- 2 1 1 0 PORTIMAO BAY TCM (2) (a) Crillev 49 8- 07 0 RED CONNORS TM (3) (a) Kliese 49 9- 7 9 9 6 RIPA RISK TCM (5) (a) Watson 49 BELLIHO 1 Tide Tine 2 Claim The Quest 3 BETTING: 2 San Lefair 9-4 Belliho 7-2 Tide Time 4 Kelly's Pool 8 Portimao Bay 12 Claim The Quest Rlpa Risk 50 Red Connors 100 Pathfinder Force. SAN LEFAIR (G A Rogerson) TIDE TIME (T Smith) 5g: 5m: Strong NZ stayer who should Should improve here on Bhs debut be big improver after Aust debut when 9th of 10 New Bliss EF when 7th Hayley Hope port 1400m May 1 1. Former NZ er who 2015m Prime Minister's Cup May ran sound 3rd Royal Troubador. 22.

Back in distance here. Won Vain Fury hill 1500m Mar 30. double of 2000m wins at Maka- One of best NZ wins nse defeat of rake, incl 4len defeat of Whitole. Teseres. Cinnamon Queen Tren-All Belles 2000m Poverty Bay tham 1600m Jan 26.

Gold Cup May 4. BELLIHO (V Sutherland) 3c: PATHFINDER FORCE (P Big disappointment when faded Prendergast) 6g: No form in three from home turn for 1 3th Phoenix starts this campaign. Followed 9th Rising EF 1600m QldGns May 1 1. Foreign Interest Dbn 1200m Fly Had previously won four races in a Apr 27 with last of 1 2 Tirau Joh row in Syd. Incl len defeat of B'berg 1485m May 18.

Double Dandy. Gold Condor hill PORTIMAO BAY (K Mar- 5- 6- 2 1 2 7- 4 1 3 8 1 0 1 9- 6 1 10- 7 2 11- 4 9 5 12-5 1 4 13- 0 4 0 14- 7 5 3 15- 5 1 1 5 16- 7 3 5 6 TACHYCARDIA SECRET AGENT RADIANT ROBERT RESEAL BEST BETS EACH-WAY: TOTE: RUN TONIGHT Betting appears in the last column of the fields. Denotes no HPk wins. First HPk start. I EXTRA TRIFECTA 17.30 1stAppinStk(4thgd) 457m TRUE VERSION 1 Woaga Prince 2 Excitable Lady 3 BETTING: 1-1 True Version 7-4 Wonga Prince 6 Excitable Lady 8 Soverlna 10 Rock Legend 12 MorHn Makf 16 Ascanus, Lean ago 20 Bourbon Lace 25 Chaudimao 25 Make It Brief 53 Baron Red.

Zipenko 50 Buster's Mistake. Larch Street 100 Ed Chaudierc. PLAIN NONSENSE (B Rose!) 4h: Well out of form last three starts, most recent 12th Let Me Tell EF 1400m Wit May 16. TINTAGLE (B Brown) 6 Well out of form. Followed 12th Hoist Your Own port 1600m Hep Apr 27 with 6th Dashing Dancer Dbn 1648m May 15 INASPACE (K Young) 5g: Ran on well for Ignk 2nd Terringer Dbn 1648m Trans May 15 after 6 th Pride Of The Town Dbn 1 350m Grad May 6 Chance ROCKATHON (W Thornton) 6h: No form.

Followed 6th Pride Of The Town Obn 1350m Grad Mav 6 with 10th Mini EF 1313m Grad May 18 SURFS IN SESSION (B Nie-fbis) 4h: Ran on well for 'ink. Jj len 3rd How To Blush Hail Cherie Dbn 1615m Grad May 6 after 5th Sea Road Dbn 1615m Grad Apr 13 Has strong finish GASPARINE (J Cater) Sm: Resumed for last of nine Basic French Bba 1000m Trans May 16. May need more time. STAR AMYN (A Pratt) Sm: Fought on for 6th Mini EF 1313m Grad May 18 after 2zlen win Granite Princess. Hine Tare Dbn 1200m Grad May 4.

Big chance again. BIG CHEER (W Window) 4g No form. Last Morn Cannon desert 1400m- 9th Div May 6. 9.20 4th Association Cup 732m Schumacher 55.5 U2.S) Philpot 55.5 i Duffy 53 PB Smith 53 (11) LDittman 53 Walk 51.5 (a)SScriven 51.5 Small 50.5 Palling 50.5 Hill 50 5 (a1.S)RCnlley 50 5 PCook 50.5 Williams 50.5 DVVood 49 CUT ABOUT GUN (P Duff) 3g: In good place form. Followed 3rd Full Of Life.

Port O' France Dbn 1629m Inter Apr 17 with '2 len. 1zlen 3rd Grey Blessing. Sir Manaiong Bba 2150m Prov Stks May 9 GREAT CHOICE (R A Palmer) 5g: Fought on for 14 len. 1alen 3rd Amazing Gold. Spark Of Life Bba 1666m Wit May 9 after 10th Sea Road Dbn 1632m Grad Apr 27.

KING CHABYLON (L Bryant) 5a: Followed 3rd Sovereign Sails. Dollar For Dollar Nanango 1800m Apr 27 with len 2nd Mr Pepper T'ba 1400m May 18. REGOLI (G A Rogerson) 4g: NZer who could be set for notable Aust debut. Last start Ignk 2nd Blarney Star Makaraka 1400m May 7. Has won one race from 16 starts, but one of best efforts 2nd Freds Fortune Hastings 1609m Apr 13 ZAMAZEPHYR Atkins) 5h In good place form.

Followed 'j nk 2nd Portimao Bay Dbn 1623m Grad Mar 30 with hd. len 3rd Sweet Lorenz. Roi D'Amour Dbn 1350m Nvc May 6 GAY BERNIE (M Wrtgley) 3f: Made up good ground for 'lien. 2 len 3rd Quistador. Rang A Mac EF 1400m Nvc May 1 1.

Four starts back 4 len 2nd Little Downey EF 1000m Nvc Mar 27. (1) U2.5) Symons 53 (al 5) Watson 50 5 (6) (14) GKillen 50.5 Williams 49 49 Terringer 3 lasum May 4. worth another chance CLAIM THE QUEST (F Pen- fold) 5h: Good stayer when right. Resumed for last Red Currant worth 1400m May 1 1. Should be big improver.

Go on sht 2 hd win Peaceful Joe. I Will C'bury Cup 1900m Feb 16 KELLY'S POOL (B Wakefield) 6h: Back from spell better than ever. Followed 1'jlen 2nd Princess Tiber Dbn 1 2O0m Mav 4 with 2 'a len win Philsynd. Tod Minor Bba 1200m May 8. Too each-way hooe, 1- 314 2- 111 5-473 4-112 5-t-131 7- 131 a in 8- 832 RADIANT ROBEJtT POLAR ICE COAL TRAIN TIGER COUNTRY BALING DAWN PACEY PORT TWIN TRACK INDIANA BALE TUUANA WILL (BOX S) RADIANT ROBERT: Handy 27.

IS HPk dual winner Wed Previous run had no luck 6 len 4th Tootsie Power 26 93 HPk (.) May 4 Go on 26 89 HPk win (hyy trk) leading all way Apr 22. Speedy and boxed to be prominent. POLAR ICE Odds-on winner past three starts much easier company Kempsey 365m May 1 1 IS. 18. Best of nine runs this track 26 41 wm March last year.

Has claims COAL TRAIN: Unpl HPk behind Manly Devil and Tootsie Power Apr 22. May 4 before 4j len 3rd Daisy Emm 26 70 HPk Mon when 20-1. Failed HPk goal Wed. Had plenty of chances recent months TIGER COUNTRY: First start HPk. Has excellent small track form including 1 len 2nd Rapid Supreme 31 88 Mond Derby May 1 7 after impresive 3 1 80 heat win there May 10.

Led all way fast 31 04 WPk Apr 20. Channel 7 Classic 2029m (Three-year-olds) Apprentices cannot claim Of 1st $66,000 and trophies $500; 2nd 3rd ASCANUS CG Williams): Bat- tied on for 6th Morlin Maid Dbn wuum Apr io arter i nn jkiiut Roman Dbn 1200m Mar 30. BARON RED (D Strong): No form in two starts this term. Followed 14th Tristram's Edition EF 1 200m Mdn Apr 25 with 9th Deason Bba 600m Mdn May 8. BUSTER'S MISTAKE (Ml Toalev)' Can't recommend on last start 5th of nine Makita Blue ba 1 100m May 4.

That was first start since 4th Roro EF 1200m Mdn Jan Zb ED CHAUDIERE (Ms Tootey) 7th Zephyr Shadow Bba 800m Mdn May 8 when resuming. That followed 2len. 23len 3rd Romaloe. Malabar T'ba 800m Nov 24. MAKE IT BRIEF (F I Hogan): 8th Petruchio Dbn 1350m Mdn May 15 in debut ROCK LEGEND (J Lynch): Ran on well for 1l2len.

nk 3rd Dalissa. Roman Fantasy EF 1 200m May 1 1 in Qld debut. Had done all of previous racing in the C'berra area, incl Ignk 2nd Black Civic C'berra 1200m Mdn Apr 6. TRUE VERSION (A A Arman-asco): Brilliant Melb-trained colt who will take power of beating. Finished determindly for 'ihd win Speed Check.

Handy Proverb R'wick 1600m Champagne Stks Apr 20 after len. Ighd 3rd Rory Jester. Speed Check hill 1200m Golden Slipper Stks Mar 30. Won 1400m VRC Sires' Produce Stks Mar 11 WONGA PRINCE a Smith): Notched great double with 2len defeat of Torvill. Beau Zephyr Dbn 13S0m May 6 after leading throughout.

At previous start made up ground for 1 '4 len defeat of Acumen. Dream Lodge wick 1400m AJC Sires' Produce Aor 8. ft-dAH Pat Welch Apprentices Of $12.000: 1st $7.900: 2nd 1-320 1 COMMON MAN 2- 6 0 5 3- 3 5 6 KAI TIME (6) MONTPELIER 21.10 Peter Meares Grad 1632m Apprentices can claim Of 1 2,000: 1 st $7,900: 2nd $2.400: 3rd 1 4th $500. 1- 1 5 3 4 SOVEREIGN PATCH (2) (a) Scriven 55 5 2- 7 98 0 CREWAYRE (7) 53 3- 4 0 0 NATIVE KINGDOM (3) Pellina 53 i u.ow; tn BALLYMAN'S BOY (12) (a) Symons 54 BANK COIN (1) PCook 54 KINGRANDELL (3) Duffy 54 MARTIAL AIR (2) Williams 54 MR MERRYMAKER (4) Pelting 54 PAGO YARN (9) Harris 54 PRINCE BOURBON (7) (a) Scriven 54 PRINCEFROLIC (8) LDittman 54 QUISTADOR (5) Harris 54 TRUE SHOW (11) Greg Hall 54 CANTERBURY BELLE (10) 1-2 9 3 4 2- 1 6 8 3 3- 9 2 2 4-6 2 1 9 5- 1 1 7 6-6 8 5 7- 1 0 7 0 3 0 8-4 1 1 1 9-8 4 0 1 10- 7 9 1 1 11- 1 1 2 12-033 1 TRISTINA (6) 4-0007 STAINZAR 5-2 1 TERRINGER (11) Walk 53 HAIL CHERIE (8) Duffy 51.5 BANK PASS (4) Small 50 5 COMMANDER BROWN (13) 50 5 FULLOFLIFE TC (10) (a3) Klies 50.5 GREY ISSUE (9) Smith 50 5 2 2nd Association Cup 732m CANTERBURY BELLE 1 Prince Frolic 2 Mr Merryauker 3 BETTING: 5-4 Prince Frolic 3 Canterbury BeHe 8 Mr Merrymaker. Pago's Yarn 7 True Show 8 Bank Com 10 Trhtlna 12 Ballyman's Boy, Quistador 14 King Randall 20 Martial Air 33 Prince Bourbon.

Senater 4 Sovereign Patch 9-2 HM PRINCE PORT INN CM (3) AGROKHAN (13) BARTLETT (12) 1- 24 CANADIAN WAVE 2- 441 DOLLAR PINCH 3- 472 SHY JUUE 4- 723 SARAH BALE 5- 321 MAPLE SAPPHIRE -41 1 CENTURY DREAM 7- CABBAGE PATCH B-001 SECRET AGENT 8- 753 MIRANDULA (BOX 7) CANADIAN WAVE Last Gos-ford Tues after 4th Indiana Bale at 50-1 WPk sprint May 18. Looks safely held. DOLLAR PINCH: Unpl Castle behind Blackhill Eagle and Linen's Best Apr 27. May 4 before 3 len win over Cabbage Patch 44 40 HPk oual May 15 This harder but might sneak a place SHY JUUE HPk track record holder on comback trail after being iniured when odds-on Sydney Cup WPk Jan 26. Resumed with 1 len 2nd Emu Desire 43 82 HPk heat May IS Sure to be improved greatly The one to beat.

SARAH BALE Speedy but not strong at finish Followed 2 len 2nd Ho Choy 43 88 HPk heat May 15 with 24 len 3rd Osti Gift 44 10 HPk last Mon. Should be prominent but last 50m will test. 79.45 HP Stake 1- 314 2- 731 3- 126 4- 425 5- 5-617 7-B63 B-531 SILENT ACHIEVER MANLY DEVIL KERMIE REUBEN GRAY vacant WESTERN BEAU BLACK CURRENT CASSIUS KID SILENT ACHIEVER Much better drawn tonight than len 5th Cassihs Kid 26 87 (box 5) HPk Mon after strong finishing 27 52 Maitland 464m win May 8. Hard to beat MANLY DEVIL: Stepping up in class after storming home 26 99 HPk win Mon Failed previous two runs Mond but record this track excellent with 8 runs for 5 wins. KERMIE: Speedy but needs to lead to win.

Had no luck 6th Cassihs Kid HPk Mon after 3 len 2nd Amazing jack 25 50 Bulli May 1 5. Go on 26 56 HPk win leading all way May 1 1 REUBEN GRAY: Didn have much luck 1 1 ten 5th Cassilis Kid HPk Mon after solid 3 len 2nd TAOTKireCTAl 10.10 Lismore 1- 128 2- 21 5-521 4- 515 5- 111 C-1 14 7- 211 8- 143 t-S7S WINDMILL LAO REGIONAL WAVE RAPIO SUPREME WITHOUT WHEELS DAISY EMM NATURAL ROAR OPAL EVE GOLD ZIP TWO MY OSCAR (1st rat) BOXY THE BULL (2nd res) WINDMILL LAD- Overlook last Brother Fox Mond Derby neat May 1 0 and 90 on 26 57 HPk win Apr 1 and 31 26 WPk win leading all way Apr 20. Boxed to show uo in hard race REGIONAL WAVE: Speedy type who has been sparingly raced recent months. Resumed from SMI and started long odds-on 6th nberra 310m May 1 before narrow 27.96 Bulli win Wed. RAPIO SUPREME: Led and held on well 31 88 Mond Derby win May 17 after 2nd Brother Fox in heat May 10.

Best form on smallert tracks but won HPk 26 71 Nov last year WITHOUT WHEELS: Find this harder than 27 13 Bulli win (hvy trk) May 8 before 1 8 len 5th Tiger Country Mond Derby heat May 10 Winner three of seven HPk start the best 26.56 last year. DAISY EMM. All conouenng bitch who has put together string of wins latest 26 70 HPk 4th gd trade last Mon leading all way. tepping up in class but looks the testing material again. 1 4 1-541 MELGARY BILL 2-383 CORMBIC LADY 3-432 LAMBETH WONDER 4-431 IMA SUCCESS 5- 722 WAVERTONE LAD S-1 11 EMU DESIRE 7-1S2 GONNA MOVE B-261 QUEEN'S CROSS B-443 DOUBLE DEE JAY (res) MELGARY BILL: Clocked slow 4472 walkover HPk qual win May 1 5 after unpl runs Canberra and Acorn Apr 8.

17. Cannot recommend CORMBIE LADY: Improved by 3 '2 len 3rd Ho Choy 43 88 HPk heat May 15 Best recent effort fast 35 38 Bulli 608m win May 16. Placed two of four HPk starts LAMBETH WONDER Beat weak field 44 SO HPk win (hyy trk) May 4 before 5 len 3rd Emu Desire 43 82 HPk heat May 15 and 14 len 2nd Ostis Gift 44 10 HPk last Mon. Only a place chance. IMA SUCCESS Unpl Penrith.

Bat hurst and Mond before walkover win HPk heat slow 44.74May 15. This looks too rich WAVERTONE LAD Resumed from spell 1 2 len 2nd Gentle Jeff fast 31.16 Penrith 530m Apr 27 before 4 len 2nd Lucky Dollar 4- 1 5- 1 6- 9 7- 1 8- 1 9- 1 3 4 0 1 3 2 9 0 0 1 0 6 05 8 2 5 CALM GENT FLEET CONSUL GRAND THUNDER 69 4 7- 6 8-6 7 9-2 1 10-7 1 11-4 5 NOBLE SUVA (5) 12-6 9 3 VICE VERSA (12) LA BENATAR PRINCESS DIANA 1 3 2 3 1 1 14- 7 3 6 7 VICE VERSA 1 Hail Cherie BETTING: 2 Ti 7-2 La Cherie Fun Of Ufa 7 Vice Versa Commander Brown 20 Crew Ayr. lunooonx sank ass. SOVEREIGN PATCH (M Lewie) 5h Fought on for 4th Mini port 1600m May 21 after 3. len.

hd 3rd Pnde Of The Town. Regal Zest Dbn 1350m Grad May 6. Chance CREW AYRE (K Vtaer) 5c: No form in three starts this campaign. 6th Terringer Dbn 1648m Tran May 15 after 9th Kingdom Bay Dbn 1350m Black Douglas Stks May 4 NATIVE KINGDOM (E Kirwan) 5h: No form. Last How To Blush Dbn 1615m Grad Mav 6 after 10th Let Me Tell EF 1200m Trans Aor 8 STAINZAR (N Mutphy) 7g Not racing well Last time 7th Terringer Dbn 1648m Trans May IS after 12th Tennis Dbn 1621m Grad May 4 TERRINGER (J CaMer) 5g: Notched up great hat-trick with Ignk defeat of Inaspace.

Whitecaps Dbn 1648m Trans May 15. Up in weights but bio chance HAIL CHERIE (G Williams) 4m: Ran best race in four starts this campaign with -nk 2nd How To Blush Dbn 161 Sm Grad Mav 6. Flashed home late from 8th turn. Go well again BANK PASS Miller) Ba: No form Followed 13th Sweet Lorenz Don 1350m Nvc May 6 with 11th Quistador EF 1400m Nvc Mav 11 COMMANDER BROWN (P 2 CM (10) BALLYMAN'S BOY (P Moy-Ian): Battled on well for 4th Phoenix Rising EF 1600m Qld Gns May II after 2'ilen. J4len 3rd Tennis.

Muted Dbn 1621m Grad Mav 4. This first test at middle distance BANK COIN (D Mulllns): Ran better race for Ven. 'jhd 3rd Hoist Your Own. Butterfly Phnce EF 1827m May 18 after 8th Phoenix Rising EF 1600m Qld Gns May 11 Outside claims KING RANOELL (B Smith): Former NZ er who has run two food races in only Aust starts, ollowed nk 2nd Viva Apollo ford 1600m Prov Stks Apr 16 with 'jlen 2nd Most Impressive N'cle 1500m Apr 30 9th Jolly Jake Ellershe 2400m NZ Derby, but 2nd Governor Bay Te Rapa 1600m Waikato Gns Nov 17 MARTIAL AIR (E A Bell): 9th Linden Grove Dbn 1648m Nvc May 15 after 3'jlen win Suggestion. Glorious Crown EF 2144m Mdn Aor 20 TNsa tot ttronaer Man Apr zo.

This a tot stronger class MR MERRYMAKER (E Kirwan): Missed start then always well back in hvy ground when 16th Phoenix Rising Er 1600m qid Uns during Jan-Feb. incl 4len defeat of Our Compromise. Brilliant Beauty Dbn 1625m Feb 2. PAGO'S YARN (N Begg): Fought on courageously for len. 2 len 3rd Phoenix Rising.

C'bury Belle EF 1600m Qld Gns May 1 1 after 5th Soritelv Native wick 2000m Frank Packer Plate Apr 1 3. Sht i2hd 2nd Oh Johnny Flem 2000m Stks Nov 8 10- 64 7 JURISDICTION (1) (al .5) Crillev 50 5 11- 3100 LEPIGALLE (4) 50.5 12- 4 02 PARNASSUS (7) Smith 50.5 13- 2 5 6 WINNING DESIGN (15) (a 1.5) Watson 50.5 14- 4 2 2 8 GRANITE PRINCESS CM (14) (a3) Kliese 49 15- 1 009 SYALBI PRINCESS (2) Williams 49 PORT INN 1 Jurisdiction 2 Agro Kkaa 3 BETTING: S.2 luriadictkm 7-2 Aoro Khan 4 Port Inn 5 SvalM Princess Warfcotz 2M1 100-1 Snodgrat 35-1 Brawn 43.67 7-4 Wheeler 2SJ7 12-1 Franks 4342 14-1 A I Chauncy 4X2 4-1 SCRATCHED Dooiey 6-4 Wlthnal 100-1 MAPLE SAPPHIRE: Gradually getting back to form. Followed HPk placings behind Larghetto and Bright Horizon May 4. 1 1 with impressive 43.74 HPk heat win May 1 5. Each-way on those efforts.

CENTURY DREAM: Smart stayer unbeten in two HPk starts the best 43.26 Jan 5. Resumed from brief let-up with 43 56 HPk heat win May IS. Strong finisher likely to make presence CABBAGE PATCH: Scratched. SECRET AGENT: Smart Victorian who cleared out to 20 len heat win solid 43 66 HPk May 15 Showed early speed in winning three of previous tour starts San-down. Sure to give good sight.

MIRANDULA: Starts box 7. Form leaves lot to be desired. No. (1st2nd gd) 457m Tetdal 2J2S 7-2 Palmar 2U2 4-1 Hunter 26.37 7-1 A Burnet 2154 10-1 Burgakk 26X2 2U8 26.15 5 20-1 5-1 Bubble Bale 31 02 WPk last Sat Best form this track includes 26.34 win Mar 2 Always a chance. WESTERN BEAU: Partial to this track Overlook 7th Rapid Supreme Mond Derby final May 7 and go on 32 00 heat win there May 10 Won HPk fast 26.02 last Dec.

Take beating BLACK CURRENT: Best recent effort 26 58 Wauchope 457m win Nov 13 Last Start 31 len 3rd Amazing lack 25 50 Buli 435m May 15 This harder. CASSILIS KID: Consistent sprinter who followed HPk placings behind Little Brother and Kermie May 4. 1 1 with 26 87 win here last Mon. Seldom runs bad race but better boxed inside. Stk (3rd gd) 457m 26-57 5-1 2655 6-1 24.71 7-2 24-54 7-1 234 7-4 2646 14-1 2657 14-1 2640 11-1 244 25-1 26-M 10-1 Gersbadi I Fine, HuttexM Sttedmaff Brawn Graham NATURAL ROAR.

Resumed from spell with 27 79 Bulli win Apr then scored HPk 4th gd 26 52 Apr 1 3 Only run since 7 len 4th Sir oanaoor i.4o Bum Aor j. OPAL EVE Odds-on fast 26 43 Tamworth 457m win May 1 1 then showed good speed to score HPk 26 61 last Mon. Consistent and included in chances again despite better field. GOLD ZIP TWO: Followed 26 37 Wagga 437m win Apr 29 witn 4tn siska Sally Dapto 312m May 16. Led until last 50m 2 len 3rd Reuben Gray 26 43 HPk Apr jro Regional wave Bulli Wed.

MY OSCAR: Racing below best Never a hope 5th Manly Devil HPk Mon after 7th Janariee Jazz WPk May 13 BILLY THE BULL: Has ability but form patchy Last start 6th Manly Devil HPk May 20 after 4th Twin Trick Mond May 17 No surprise if he runs improved race. 101 Barry 4-1 20-1 5 7-4 4-1 27.00 6-1 12-1 12-1 Brawn SCRATCHED OSuBlvan three of oast four starts Bulli where he runs best races Mar 27. Apr 4. May 1 5 split by last Indiana Bale HPk May 11. Held big lead lading 2 len 2nd 27.22 HP.

qual Wed BARNEY'S UON: Getting on in years but has struck form with wins past three starts Brook (2) and Castle May 4. 11 1 8 Best of seven rlPk runs i.OU win July last year. KYM-S DANCE: Scratched. WAVERLY CARD: Placed two of five HPk starts but provincial form good with last start J4 len 2nd Mineral River 26.53 Cessnock May 1 3 after 26 67 win there May 6. unpl HPk qual wed.

RACK'S ROO: Starts box 7 Form disappointing. Resumed from spell with 3rd HPk qual May 1 before 7th Mond May 10. Fell Dapto Thurs. 3 8.10 2nd Association Cup 732m 19-213 MISS DUSTY fr MISS DUSTY 1 Spitting Image 2 Star Of Justin 3 1ST LEG EXTRA DOUBLE 2 7.35 CONDITIONED STKS 1940m 1 -336 MAJELLA fr 2-431 SHE'S A COLLECTOR fr 3 692 IMASTORM fr 4 -731 TIME TRAVELLER fr 5 -527 SO ATTACK fr 6 792 SULEIMA fr 7-713 FRANCES CLAIRE fr 8 -683 VIC'S LADY fr 9-771 BRAMPTON LAD fr 10-652 HAROLD'S AM fr BRAMPTON LAD Frances Claire 2 Time Traveller 3 2ND LEG EXTRA DOUBLE 3 8.05 PROGRESSIVE HCP 2250m 1 -054 ADESBOY fr 2 574 SMOKEY SKIPPER fr 3 -964 CRACON fr 4 -136 BETTER MELODY fr 6 626 SOFTY BLUE fr 6 983 JOLI AGAIN fr 7 849 AUSTIN TOP ft 8 886 TRENCH COAT fr 9 -325 LADY 8 ECCA 10 10 097 REMEMBER CYRIL ....10 BETTER MELODY 1 Softy Blue 2 Ada's Boy 1 EXTRA QUINELLA 4 8.35 NOVICE HCP 1630m- 1 -837 MANDY'S PALEFACE 2 -428 LEICANOTHER fr 3 6 SILARTSUA fr 4 -043 YOUNG TIDY fr 5 053 CINCINNATI CHEERLEADER fr 6 -535 KIMMIE BABEE fr 7- KATECOLOMBO fr 8 -406 STAR BRONZE if 9 -834 SHOW PRINCE fr 10 770 NANNATATE KIMMIE BABEE 1 Show Prince 2 Young Tidy 2 TRIFECTA 1ST LEG DAILY DOUBLE 6 9.05 CONDITIONED STKS 2560m 1 -448 BATMANS BOWER fr 2 -757 JUNE'S JEWEL fr 3 883 KENTUCKY TOO fr 4 -418 MURDOCK MAN fr 5 340 SUPREME MEADOW fr 6 -346 DIRECT ROMANY fr 7 049 GIFTEO BOY fr 8 626 GROUP'S PRIDE fr 9 -900 PANICKITYOD fr 10 868 NAMRAH CHRIS OD fr KENTUCKY TOO 1 Direct Romany 2 Group's Pride 3 6 9.35 2YO HCP 1830m -995 JACKBRITT fr 2 8 HAMISH CALDER fr 3 7 TAFFY HANOVER fr 4 08 BELL THE CAT fr 5 FAST FALL tr 6' 9 STREET DANCER fr 7 552 FAIR LACE fr 8 FOR SALE fr 9 -321 LEKAMAJUST 10 10 427 BARB'S WINGE 10 LE KAMAJUST 1 Barb'a Winge 2 Fair Lace 3 2ND LEG DAILY DOUBLE 7 10.01 IMPROVERS HCP 2210m 1 -819 MISTER MERLIN fr 2-317 SCOTCH NIGHT fr 3 -821 FLAMING GOOD fr 4 -612 EZEGOER 5 -801 BRETLINOO fr 6 -132 KEEPIT QUIET fr 7 -014 WILLWAR fr 8 235 MINT CANDY fr 9 -702 DESMALOU fr 10-511 BYE BYE SPECIAL 0D .20 KEEPIT QUIET 1 Flaming Good 2 Bye Bye Special 3 QUINELLA 8 10.35 3YO HCP 1940m 1 85 NOWSAL fr 2 523 PERFECT RETREAT fr 3 298 SHANE PARK PRINCE fr 4 0 SISTER GOLDEN HAIR fr 5 755 PENNY STRANGER fr 6 -633 WILLIE WISDOM fr 7 9 VENTURE HANOVER 8 974 ADAM JAMES 0D 9 1 TARP0RT ROCKET 10 10-144 KIM'S KEYSTONE OD 10 TAR PORT ROCKET 1 Willie Wisdom 2 Kim'a Keystone 3 Rosehill trials HEAT 1 (3YO S. upwards) 1030m: KIRA MALA (J Duggan) 1 STARBOARD PEAK (T Bartlev) 2.

WESTON PRINCE (G Allen-dorf) 3. Others: Dancing Class. Colonel Deering. French Galop. Centre Stream.

Kamaraad. Spring Waters. '2 hd. 4 lens. Time 1 3 75s Winner trained by Mayfield-Smith.

HEAT 2 (3YO upwards) 1030m: ROYAL JET-SETTER (R silburn) 1. ROYAL SIMEON (G Allendorf) 2. GROUP CAPTAIN (D McClune) 3. Others: Diamond Cascade. Anglo Hills.

Double Chalm. Contestor. Change Of Plans. Wind And Sun. Jump To Glory.

6 lens. 4 lens. Time 1.2.5s. Winner trained by Mayfield-' Smith. HEAT 3 (3YO 8 upwards) 1030m: FRENCH KIWI 0 Assa-pardi) 1.

TUMBLEDOWN TOOTS (T Duckett) 2. JONES EPIC (K Quartermaine) 3. Others: Drum-too. St. Hubert's Bay.

Consider The Maid. Nickie Deb. Mystic Realm. Happy Battle Nk. '2 hd.

Time 1.4 25s. Winner trained by Sutherland. HEAT 4 (3YO upwards) 1030m: LITTLE BAY BLUE (J Assapardi) 1. WONDER MILLER (B Parnell) 2. CAVALIER KID (R Hardwicke) 3.

Others: Special Tang. Prince Tahmoor. Drum Rum. King Kiev. Razoo.

The Little Flea. Rare Words. Hd. 1 a lens. Time 13 5s Winner trained by Walker.

HEAT 5 (3YO upwards) 1030m GLUTEUS (G Allendorf) 1. WINDWILL LAD (C Buckley) 2. REINE DE PARIS (C Clare) 3. Others: Kangaroo Girl. Bahroona Bay.

Spicer 1 2 lens. hd. Time 1 4.5s. Winner trained by Dr A Chapman. HEAT 6 (2YO fillies) 1030m: ENGLISH MINT 0 Duggan) 1.

ROMAN CLOUD (K Banks) 2. ROYAL CENTREFOLD (B Grant) 3. Others: Western Bride. Cimarra. Devious Lady.

Miss Agata. Macho Miss. 1 '2 lens. '2 len. Time 1 4.5s.

Winner trained by Mayfield-Smith. HEAT 7 (2YO fillies) 1030m: KLAMOTTE (R Silburn) 1. HAT-TON GARDEN (J Nisbet) 2. GLENBISC (K Walker) 3. Others: The Longest Time.

Silverdale Express. Coloured Wagon. Don's Dream. Social Butterfly. Flash Sue.

Yatasha. 4 lens. hd. Time 1.3.5s. Winner trained by Mayfieid-Smith.

HEAT 8 (2YO colts A geldings) 1030m: CRAFTY LORD (D Smith) 1. CONSTANT KARIOI (R Huke) 2. TRUTH AND HONOUR (T Ducket) 3. Others: Military Attache. Strike Up The Band.

Regal Simba. Ambassador Grev. Sandbar Joe. Le Chataingnier. Cordofan.

2 '2 lens. 2 lens. Time 1 4.25s. Winner trained by Guy. HEAT 9 (2YO colts geldings) 1030m: CHULADA (T Duckett) 1.

INCONVCEIVABLE (J Duggan) 2. GRAF ROCKY (C Clare) 3 Others: Shellandy. Defellas. Pagan Breen. Sarina's Choice.

Appraivon. So Brilliant. Sol Rays. Hd. hd.

Time 1 4.75s. Winner trained by Walker. HEAT 10 (2YO colts 8r geldings) 1030m: McCORMACK (R Harwicke) 1. BLACK GEMINI (B Compton) 2. STAR MODULE (G Allendorf) 3.

Others: Silent Show. Dancing Guard. If Only Red. Skyiinks. Crafty Beat.

Silver Flase. Sierra Nevada. 1 '2 lens. nk. Time 1.4s.

Winner trained by Clementson. 4 11 11 UH imMWIPWMWPWWWMIIIWil mm mci a rill' otgl- T.IIrreM:R.T. I I 2YO Stks 1350m cannot claim S2.4O0; 3rd S1.20O; 4th $500. ZIPENKO (M Wrlgley): Always well back when 17th Dalissa EF 1200m May 11 after 234 len win It's Classified. Lady Salisbury Bba 1 100m Mdn May 1.

BOURBON LACE (M Wri- Led early before 4th Mar overeign Dbn 1350m Mdn May IS. That followed 2 Men 2nd Power Arrow Bba 1100m Mdn May 1. CHAUDIMAO (N Verren- kamp): Has to improve on last two efforts. 5th Petruchio Dbn 1350m Mdn May 15 after 5th Cadici Bba 1100m Mdn May 1 EXCITABLE LADY (E Kir-wan): Led most of way for convincing 23len win Camsyn. Maple Flower Dbn 1110m May 6.

That made it two wins from last three starts. Worthy contender. LARCH STREET tW A Baker): 10th Excitable Lady Dbn 1110m Mav 6 in first start this campaign That followed distant 4th In Her Hand port 1 1 1 0m Mdn Dec ZZ LEENAGO (I Hocking) Sister to Goleen who ran best race for 'jhd. 1' en 3rd Mar Sover eign. Shades Of Summer Dbn 1350m Mdn May 15.

Keep follow ing. Better suited this stage in something easier. MORLIN MAID (E Kirwan) Fought on for 5th Dalissa EF 1200m Mav 11 after 2hd win Makita Blue. Nickle Silver Dbn 1200m Apr 13 which completed winning double. Should be right in tinisn.

SOVERINA (G Murphy). Melb visitor who needs to improve on last two starts. 5th Pokeno Pearl field 1 400m ADr 27 before 6th Honey Bridge field 1400m May 11. Graduation 1350m can claim $2400: 3rd $1.200: 4th $500. (9) (a2 5) Philpot 53 Duffy 53 TCM (8) (a3) Gough S3 (a) Scriven 53 PCook 50 5 Hill 50.5 MPelling 50 5 (11) CM (5) Walk 50 5 (a3) Rockett 50 .5 Time 12 Montpeiier Prince, Calm Winning Design 20 Fleet Consul.

start this campaign. Back in Dec scored 2'? len win Sir -Magoo! Gerald Road EF 1600m Nvc Dec 26. GRAND THUNDER (L I Plumb) 4g: Fought on for Sth Minx EF 1313m Grad May 18 after '2 len 2nd Prince Pageant Dbn 1 10m Grad May 4. One of best chances. JURISDICTION (A A Arman-asco) 5c: Disappointed as 7-4 fav in Bris debut when 7th Minx EF 1313m Grad May 18.

Previous Melb form good, incl 2len 2nd Shobra Lad Flem 1400m Jan 1 LE PIGALLE (1 I Atkins) 4a Well out of form. Followed 11th Let Me Tell tr lZOOm TransAprB with 10th Common Man EF 1200m Grad May 1 1 PARNASSUS (E Brown) So Former Syd galloper who resumed for 2 '2 len 2nd Intahotes WF 1400m Aor 27. Big improver. WINNING DESIGN (B Miller) 4a: Ran on late for 6th Prince Pageant Dbn 1 1 1 0m Grad Mav 4 when resuming. Has ability.

'ink 2nd Red Shirt EF 2100m Grad Nov 17 GRANITE PRINCESS (J Bar- biarato) 7m: 8len 2nd Affreux Woonack Tba 1200m May 11 after 2 '2 len 2nd Star Amyn Dbn 1200m Grad May 4. Last start 7len 8th Madam Briar S'port 1200m Grad dead track May 22. SYALBI PRINCESS (G A Rogerson) 4m: NZer making Bris debut. 9th Eva Grace Te Rapa 1600m Stks Mav 11. Has not impressed in last three starts since nse win I Profile.

Steel Mist Avondale 1400m Apr 2. EXTRA TRIFECTA 1ST LEG DAILY DOUBLE 9.10 GALAXY GRAND SLAM No 4 FINAL 2400m 1 -964 LYNOAL HANOVER 2-112 PEBBLE HANOVER fr 3 -641 BUNDER BART fr 4 927 RADIANT AURA (res) fr 5 -123 DIAMOND MAKER fr 6 -331 QUITE FAMOUS fr 7-811 IMA ORPHAN fr 8 -226 TELERNTIM fr 9 -494 KEYSTONE LUCY fr 10- 756 LINDON ROWAN fr 11- 165 OMEGA VALLEY fr 12- 023 CLASSIC BEAU fr PEBBLE HANOVER 1 Ima Orphan 2 Quite Famous 3 8 9.35 COSMIC MOBILE 1970m 1 -412 CRISTIAN JAMES 2 -155 DECAPITATE 3-012 KARMANKIO 4 -224 JAKA8A 5-123 JUST BERT fr fr fr fr fr fr 6 7 8 223 ROMEO JENDEN 065 KENTUSI Ill ERROL KARAMEA 9 -175 VICTORY STRIDE fr 10- 126 JOHNNY PRENEUR 11- 322 LUCIDITY fr ERROL KARAMEA 1 Lucidity Victory stride a TRIFECTA 2ND LEG DAILY DOUBLE 7 10.00 ZODIAC MOBILE 2400 1 -534 0ARK DREAMER fr 2 -101 ARK RAIDER fr 3 679 SIR CROCKETT fr 4 -234 WILSONIAN fr 5 -140 KEYSTONE FELLA fr 6-196 MERRON'S CHOICE fr 7 -358 CROSS TIME fr 8 109 MARCHING ORDER fr 9- 121 JACK BRANDON fr 10- 338 GARNET BAY fr 11- 521 MAGIC MADGE fr JACK BRANDON 1 Keystone Fella wuaontan a QUINELLA 18.30 VIC SIRES STK No 4 2nd PRELUDE 1970m 1 -824 FAMILY GOODS fr 2 633 BOY MAX (res) fr 3-11 TRICKIE'S FIRST fr 4 -624 SUDS fr 6 36 WALC0TT HANOVER fr 6 -225 LUNAR ALTO (real fr 7 -242 FLAME AND SPARK 8 -214 YOUNG SERENADER fr 9- 313 NATURAL BLACK fr 10- 111 GOLD SHARE fr 11- 831 STORMY ASCOT fr 12- 443 SMOKEY BRAE (res) 13-811 EBONY CHICK fr TRICKIE'S FIRST 1 Share 2 Ebony Chick 3 Gold (EXTRA QUSUXltAl 63.30 Seven National News 2029m Anorentieea cannot Halm 31.45 Jumbuck Flying 1350m Asor entices cannot claim Of 1st S10.000; 2nd 1-09 5 GETTING CLOSER Of 1st $16,000: 2nd 1 0 8 3 BASTILLE (10) 2- 4 4 8 3 3- 9 4 7 1 4- 2 2 2 2 5- 5 8 2 2 6- 7 1 4 6 7- 0 0 0 RUSHCUTTER NOBLE LAD BUTTERFLY PRINCE VALEROUS TCM AMAZING GIFT BEAU TRELAY 2- 03 2 FIXED FLUSH TCM (7) 3- 0 4 1 9 FOYSTAAN (6) 4- 5 7 9 2 MARTEC (4) 5- 5 9 0 4 HIGH SIGNAL (3) 6-0808 ELJDAIDE (1) 7- 3 20 HI SPORT (2) 6-7624 SPARK OF LIFE TM (5) 1- 172 JUST PATCHY 2- 511 ANOTHER ACE 5-112 GREEK FORCE 4- 822 MASONITE 5- 142 TACHYCARDIA 6-451 SKIPT WAL LEW 7- 111 NARARA CITY 8- 421 LEASE OF LIFE -C7S THESAURUS (1st res) 10-475 ANNE'S SAPPHIRE (2nd JUST PATCHY: Cannot recommend on 20 len 2nd (3 strs) Secret Agent 43 66 HPk heat May IS. Previous form ordinary ANOTHER ACE: Promising with three wins from four starts latest 38 36 Mond 620m May 10 Promising run 43 73 HPk heat win May 1 5. Lacks early speed but improving with racing GREEK FORCE: In dashing form. Broke Goulbum 700m track record 40 90 May 1 1 before 10 len 2nd Beeiay Bale 44 22 HPk heat May 15 Lacks early speed but strong finisher MASONITE: Only HPk start scored 43 46 Nov 17 but form since ordinary.

Ran on well len 2nd Dave Linga 38 52 Mond 620m May 10 before 12 len 2nd Skipt Wal Lew 4447 HPk heat May IS TACHYCARDIA: Outstanding prospect who won Sandown 718m May 8 Will be improved greatly by 2 len 2nd Narara City 43 52 (best) HPk heat May IS. Rated among the best dogs in Victoria. (12) (6) (11) (3) (8) (7) LINGA LONGA (13) NO VANITY (1) OWN PRINCE TM (2) PURPLE IN CM (5) shall) 3c: Resumed with 13th Let Me Tell EF 1400m Wit May 1 8. In great form before that, scoring '2nk win zamazeohyr. Surts In Session Dbn 1632m Grad Mar 30.

RED CONNORS (J Ryan) 7g No form in two starts since spell. Followed 7th Foreign Interest Dbn 1200m Fly Apr 27 with 11th Let kit th rr taruvn Wit Mav 18 RIPA RISK (R Croxford) 5m: Not racing well. Followed 9th Hard Gift EF 1323m Fly Apr 20 with distant 6th Hoist Your Own Dbn 1621m May 4. Cooksley 51 GWilletts 51 PRINCE BOURBON (S Kurz) I at Phhnaaniv Qicina FF 1600m Qid Gns May 11. Out- classed this company.

Has sound form over the longer journeys, incl 2len victory over Manor Born. Gerald Road EF 2100m Grad Jan Zo which completed nat-tnck. PRINCE FROLIC (B Higgins): Qld star 3YO who resumed after slight iniury with 2 '2 ten win Draw The Line. Monastar port 1600m May 1 1 Before that notched up great double of Syd wins with 1 34 len defeat of Colour Page. Gold Deck hill 2000m Tulloch Stks Mar 30.

Hard to beat. QUISTADOR (S Kurz): Returned to best '2 len win Rang A Mac Gay Bernie EF 1400m Nvc May 11 coming from 10th at 800m. This first attempt longer iournevThis is biggest test. TRUE SHOW (K Walker): Syd colt in top middle distance form. notching double with Ig nk defeat Sikorsky.

Essential R'NII 2400m Lord Mayor Cup May 4 Ljkes tQ lead. CANTERBURY BELLE (D Kerr): Top NZ filly stepping up in distance for first time. Vastly on wetgreuna iror jen zna Phoenix Rising Er ibOOm Qld Gns May 11. Beaten once in seven starts across Tasman. incl 2len win Avana.

Sobav Riccarton 1600m 1000 Gns Nov 3 TRISTINA (G Murphy): Dan- aerous hahtweiaht Raced awav for effortless 4len win All Flower. Zizlis field 1 800m May 1 1 after 3rd Gay Tulip. Flying Shoes MV 1600m May 8. $3.000: 3rd 4th $500. LDittman 54 Cook 54 (a) Watson S3 (a) Symons 52 5 (a) Scriven 52.5 GKillen 52 (a) Crillev 52 Harris 52 Duffy 52 PB Smith 52 Pelhng 52 Smith 52 TM (9) Williams 52 Valerous 3 1 2 Unoe Lonoe 1 8 AmaziM Gift 25 ouc form mediocre.

Appreciated wet track last time BUTTERFLY PRINCE (P A Hulbert) 4a: Has run four succes sive 2nd. Followed 1'jlen 2nd Hoist Your Own Dbn 1621m May 4 with len 2nd Hoist Your Own EF 1827m May 18. VALEROUS (T A Dawson) 4h One of the better stayers in Qld. Ran second successive 2nd when 1 'jlen Noble Lad EF 2100m Crest International Cup Mav 1 1. Should finish on solidly again.

AMAZING GIFT (A Pratt) 4h Never dangerous when 6th Battles Wake EF 2129m Grad May 1 8. That followed 4th Noble Lad EF 2100m Crest International Cup May 11. 2ND LEG EXTRA DOUBLE EXTRA QUINELLA 7 3.25 ADAMSTOWN STAKE 485m: 1 Supreme Doll 2 Referral 3 Design Story 4 Me Again 5 Zen Master 6 Colorado Time 7 Early Eagle 8 Smokey Fire 9 Barry's Gard (1st res) 10 New Temlee (2nd res). SMOKEY FIRE 1 Early Eagle 2 Zen Master 3. 1ST LEG DAILY DOUBLE TRIFECTA 8 3 JO MEREWETHER STAKE 485m 1 BLACK SMOKE 2 LITTLE THEMIE 3 EMERALD STAR 4 GHETTO GIRL 5 CRAIL DYNA 6 NEVER HOPE 7 MAID MERLO 8 MICK'S DESIRE 9 METRIC MAID (1st res) 10 TRUE EMPIRE (2nd res) CRAIL DYNA 1 Black Smoke 2 Ghetto Girl 3.

4.15 LAMBTON STAKE 485m: 1 Gemini Rose 2 Lilac Lass 3 4 Lucky Again 5 6 Hallowed 7 8 Just Got Lucky. HALLOWED Gemini Rosa 3. 1 Lilac Lass 2 2ND LEG DAILY DOUBLE QUINELLA 10 OS ADAMSTOWN STAKE 485m 1 8ARRY GLIDER 2 EUAY BARNEY 3 KIWI PORT 4 RIO TINTO 5 RED WRANGLER 6 BEAU TIVOLI 7 LEGALE 8 SECRET KATE 9 MASKED LEE (1st res) 10 PETITE AMOUR (2nd res) BARRY GLIDER 1 Eljay Bar' nay 2 Secret Kate 3. Time Bkuett 2tta s-1 28.41 12-1 2164 20-1 4-1i 141 2M2 -1 2639 7-4 2S.M 2S-1 a SCRATCHED I Adams BAUNGA DAWN Scratched. PACEY PORT: Two wins, three placings past five starts.

Led all way solid 3181 Mond 537m win May 1 7 after 4 len 2nd Ayres Rock 31 71 Derby heat there May 10. First start HPk TWIN TRICK: Speedy type with wins two of past three starts 32 1 1 WPk (hyy trk) May 6 and 32 00 Mond leading all way May 17. Showed liking for HPk with 26 42 win Dec 22 INDIANA BALE: Stepping up in grade but has the form on the board with wins past six starts in row latest 31 34 WPk May 18 Impressive 26 59 HPk winner May 1 1 Indicated fitness solid 26 75 HPk aua! win Wed. Hard to go past again. TIJUANA WILL: Outclassed 3rd Brother Fox Mond Derby heat May 10 before 1 len 2nd Pacey Port 31 81 there May 17 Beaten 6 len 3rd Sarah Gray 26.7 1 (best) HP dual Wed.

100-1 33-1 44J0 C-1 33-1 -1 43.54 t4 100-1 42.95 10-t 4X52 1C-1 Meyers Noona Chauncy Kara Schorsv 44 03 HPk heat May 15 Smart front runner hard to beat. EMU DESIRE: Speedy type improved by recent racing. Led all way HPk winning double 44.23 (hvy trk) and 43 54 May 4 11 before scoring HPk heat 43 82 May IS Hard to go past again. GONNA MOVE Not discraced 4 ten 2nd (2 sirs) Matchless Man 43 98 HPk heat May IS Two runs earlier strong finish 3640 Bulli 608m win (hyy trk) May 6. This harder QUEEN'S CROSS: Class runner who was freshened up before easy 43 67 HPk heat win May IS after odds-on 6th Linens Best 4385 HPk Apr 13 Best form includes dashing 42 95 HPk win Mar 9.

DOUBLE DEE JAY: Getting into veteran class. Beaten 1 5 len by Century Dream 43 56 HPk heat May IS after unpl runs Mond 620m Apr 1 9. 26 Best form this track includes 43.32 win Sept 1. Pevias Mejxfrtioa Verls AnivslroiiQ Cottrefl LafWaW Utttefteai Clayton 50-1 B-1 12-1 25-1 Evens 55-1 4334 S-1 42.13 5-1 43.62 50-1 res) Wosds 100-1 SKIPT WAL LEW: ronowed 43 70 Wauchope 722m win Apr 25 with unpl runs Goulburn May 4. 1 1 before 44 47 HPk qual win beating Masomte May IS.

This a lot tougher NARARA CITY: Not always reliable but has plenty of ability. Put best foot forward 43 52 (best) HPk heat win May 15 after scoring Dubbo and Bathurst Apr 25. May 4. Hard to beat on those efforts LEASE OF LIFE: Brilliant stayer but plauged by injuries. Resumed from spell with len 2nd Olympic Ollie 44 1 5 Dapto 722m May 9 before 44 01 HPk oual win May 15.

Can never be taken lightly THESAURUS: Racing below best Failed Bulli Apr 10. 17 before 10 len 2nd Another Ace 43 73 HPk heat May IS. Best form includes 43 62 HPk win Apr 2 last year Prefer others ANNE'S SAPPHIRE: Only win Goulburn maiden Nov last year. Cannot recommend. 732m 16-1 2S-1 4X32 -4 A 4-1 7-1 7-1 LaMff 15-1 4375 5-1 100-1 100-1 Buhagiar (.) May 4 then checked and forget 7th Emu Desire here May 1 1 before 44 03 HPk heat win May tacn-way.

MATCHLESS MARI: Solid stayer who resumed from spell with 7th Linen Best Castle Apr 27 before handy 43 98 HPk heat win May 15. Always a chance in this type of race ROCKY PATROL: Beaten 3 len 2nd Another Ace 43 73 HPk heat May 15 after 5'2 len 5th Flying Ksar 43.63 WPk May 13. Prefer others HO CHOY: Racing well with wins two Of past three starts 42 47 Lithgow and 43 59 Penrith Apr 6. 20 sotit by 2 'a len 4th Linen Best 43 85 HPk Apr 13. Won HPk heat 43 88 May 15.

VELVET ARROW: Placed easier races Lithgow Apr 13. May 4 before 7th Bulli May 8 and 22 len 3rd Secret Agent 43 66 HPk heat May 15 Outclassed SILKEN ELEGANCE: Still a maiden after 22 starts. No. 27X7 S-1 2544 4-1 16-1 B-1 10-1 2554 7-1 2553 4-1 2557 7-2 15-1 0 5 Jonas PCaucM Rio Maitland May 8 and 3a ten 3rd Tootsie Power 26.93 HPk (.) May MYALL FLYER: Speedy but not strong at finish. Chased winner from 1st turn 1a len 2nd Daisy Emm 2670 HPk Mon.

Placed previous two starts this track behind Fine Legend and Radiant Robert Apr 6. 22. GENERAL ANDY: Winner two of four HPk starts the best 26 63 ian 21. Spelled after winning Bulli 7 91 Feb 27. Resumed and led before fading unpl run HP qual Wed.

This field not strong and should make presence felt. MIGHTY TERROR: Followed winning double 28 OS Bulli and 3 1 26 Nowra Mar 1 6. 22 with 2nd National Seven Goulburn May 1 1 and strong 1a len 3rd Tinker's Rocket 27.07 HPk May 20. VILLAGE GOLD: Yet to win in six HPk starts but provincial form fair with 27.01 Singleton win May 3. Hard to recommend.

1 FOYSTAAN 1 Fixed Flask 2 High Sifaal 3 BETTING: 2 Feystaan 3 Mertec 7-2 Fixed Flush 4 Getting Closer 8 Martac 10 Hi Sport 20 Spark Of Ufa 35 El J'Deide. 8-6 7 8 3 9-7 8 10- 0 5 8 11- 1 3 0 12- 7 9 7 13- 2 2 3 THE COB (4) WHO CALLING RUSHCUTTER 1 Bastille 2 miNe.uini,iii.iiMiiikivi..tu.i.i Prince 8 Purple In 1 0 Who's Caiiina ireiay. rvo vanny, uwn rrmce ine t-00. GETTING CLOSER (H Darts) Sh: Last year's Rothmans 1 00.000 winner making belated return to racing after having travel sickness. Last start Sth Glomunda R'wick 1400m Wit Apr 13 In need of run.

but too classy to rule out. FIXED FLUSH (B I McLachlan) Sh: Back this campaign better than ever. Followed first-up after spell 3rd Foreign Interest. New Bliss Dbn 1200m Fly Apr 27 with Ignk 2nd New Bliss EF 1400m Fly May 11. Very fast FOYSTAAN (T Smith) 5c: Ruined chances by badly missing start before 9th Daybreak Lover EF 1000m White Lightning Mav 1 6.

Speedy at best. Go on previous 2 len win Mr Godson. Jaks WF 1000m Apr 27. MARTEC (E I Hanrey) 3c: Vic visitor who ran improved 1 'j len 2nd Penny Edition field 1200m May 11. Tried to lead throughout.

Repeat of that effort would make him pig chance. BASTILLE (T I Smith) 4h: Former tno isn staver who ran best race in three Aust starts with fighting 1 '2 len. sht 2hd 3rd Noble Lad. Valerous EF 2100m Crest International Cup May 11. Won two races over 2000m in England.

Brts Cup hope RUSHCUTTER (G A Rogerson) 6g Tough NZ stayer who made huge impression in Aust debut when finishing on solidly for 22len. 1 '4 len 3rd Hayley Hope. Godarchi port 2015m Prime Minister's Cud May 22. fins Cud is his goal. NOBLE LAO (B Brown) 5g Scored surprise 1 '2 len win Valerous.

Bastille EF 2100m Crest International Cup May 11. Previ- 10.30 3rdAppinStk(4thgd) 457m 4 8.30 3rd Association Cud 1-222 TUUANA BESS 12 Noble Suva. Princess Diana 18 Stamiar. Grey Issue 25 Native Sexton) 4g: Scored nk win Mount Mayon. Blue Char T'ba 2000m Ctry Stks Mav 1 1 after shtnk 2nd Bless The Heavens Dbn 2200m Mdn May 6 Back in distance.

This much harder. FULL OF LIFE (J Wallace) 4g: Fought on for Ten 2nd Linden Grove Dbn 1648m Nvc Mav IS. Three starts back scored 1 '2 len win Port France. Cut About Gun Dbn 1629m Inter Apr 17 GREY ISSUE (Ms Erhart) 4g: Needs to improve. 5th Total Control Bba 1666m Imp May 8 after 8th What A Glow Gatton 1585m Imp Apr 30.

NOBLE SUVA (B Brown) 4g: 6th Cheval port 1600m Grad May 22 after shtnk. 2'jlen 3rd Who's Calling. Cheyne Prince EF 1810m Grad May 11 VICE VERSA (5 A Brown) 4a: Syd visitor who ran most encouraging len. 1 '4 len 3rd Aliniabon. Sir Biscay EF 1400m Nvc May 1 1.

Big improver. LA BENATAR (R Lang): NZer set for notaole Aust debut. Last start len winner over Spare Money. Linden Row Te Rapa 1600m May It Won previous Te Aroha 1 400m Mdn Apr 30 Should be in for profitable Qld campaign. PRINCESS DIANA (K Haves) 8m: 7th Aliniabon EF 1400m Nvc May 11 after 6th Amboina Dbn 1 200m Nvc Apr 27.

3rd 4th $500. CM (8) GreaHall 57 Duffy 53 5 LDittman 52 5 (a) Hume 51.5 Williams 51 (a) 0 Khese 49 PCook 49 (a) Scriven 49 HIGH SIGNAL (H Davis) 3c Battled on for close 4th New Bliss EF 1400m Fly May 1 1 as 3-1 fav. Should be big improver as that was first start since being disqualfied from Rwick 1200m won by All Chant Apr 13 after returning positive swab to procaine EL J-DAIDE (N Dawson) 4h Well out of form this campaign. 6th Minx EF 1313m Grad May 18 after 10th Prince Pageant Dbn 1110m Grad May 4. HI SPORT (G Sawden) 3c: Faded badly from home turn when distant last Kingdom Bay Dbn 1 350m Black Douglas Stks May 4.

Can improve. Go on previous Jlen 2nd Hard Gift EF 1323m Fly Apr SPARK OF LIFE (D Strong) 4g Fought on for 4th Itsarippa port 1300m Grad May 21 after 1 Vlen 2nd Amazing Gold Bba 1666m Wit May 9. This harder. Outside hope. 1ST LEG DAILY DOUBLE 9.15 GREEN'S TWIN TRACK TROPHY (Heat 3) S50m 1 KIRSTIN PRIDE 2 MIGHTY CADET 3 NICKWQOD 4 SNOW BLADE 5 SUNNY DISPO 6 PLUSH LAD 7 SURE FORT 8 NIKI TEEN SURE FORT 1 KkstkVs Pride 2 Nnti Teen 3.

7 9-35 PENRITH TROPHY (Heat 3) 530m: 1 Solitary Parade 2 Bavarian Rose 3 Gozo Joseph 4 Beyond Reproach Big Bertha 6 Rider's Memory 7 Sealed Section 8 Whitegate's Girl 9 Classy Linen (1st res) 10 Canadian Sunset (2nd res). WHITE GATES GIRL 1 Section 2 Solitary Parade 3. 2ND LEG DAILY DOUBLE TRIFECTA 938 LINDA PERKINS TROPHY FINAL S30m 1 SHALL I DO DOUBLE TEE ARTISTIC GLIDER ANNIE'S HOBO FLASH RAPPORT COUNT THE BEAT SCOOTCHIE LORD ALDER DOUBLE THREE ONE 4 5 6 7 8 9 (1st res) 10 MISS FREE WAYS (2nd res) SHALL I DO 1 Lard Aider 2 Scaotchie 3. 10.22 LAWSON STAKE S30m: 1 Red Asset 2 Lowilla Whisky 3 Emaedee 4 Milabena's Beau 6 Gliderella 6 Proper Marilyn 7 She A Daisy 8 Bavarian Angel 9 Vulcan Crystal (1st res) 10 Camdoms Hope (2nd res). RED ASSET 1 She's A Daisy 2 Lowuia Whisky QUINELLA 10-1045 PENRITH TROPHY (Heal 4) SJOm: 1 Southern Alps 2 Alfia't Best 3 Active Support 4 Kelly Road 5 World Takings 6 Werosie Eagle 7 Emma's Shadow 8 Double Three One 9 Bavarian Girl 1 st res) 1 0 Masastro Leader (2nd res) SOUTHERN ALPS 1 Double Three One 2 Werosie Eagle 2-424 NeNGA FLASH 5-122 LINEN'S BEST 4- 521 BEEJAY BALE 5- 271 LUCKY DOLLAR 6- 571 MATCHLESS MAM 7- 452 ROCKY PATROL 8-411 HO CHOY 9- 275 VELVET ARROW (1st res) 10-845 SILKEN ELEGANCE (2nd res) RJewcastEe Penrith 6 Parnassus 8 Common Man 10 Kal Gent.

Grand Thunder. Le Pigalle. Granite Princess 33 BartletL COMMOM MAN 7 5g: Finisheddeterminedly for A2r Kha.nvIAvson 1 200m Grad May 1 1 That was big improvement on previous, start when last Maiara Lad EF lZOOm Grad Aor 25. KAI TIME (B I McLachlan) 4h: Wall beaten 12thMinz EF 1313m Grad May 18 after 5th Prince Pageant Dbn 1 1 1 0m Grad May 4. Not racing well.

MONTPELIER PRINCE (J CaMer) 5h: Coming back in distance after racing over longer journeys in last four starts, most recent Sth Haro Dbn 2025m Grad Apr 27 PORT INN a A Dawson) 3c: Back in own class after 11th Phoenix Rising EF 1600m Qld Gns May 1 1 and 4th Kingdom Bay Dbn 1350m Black Douglas Stks May 4. Big chance. AGRO KHAN 0 Hook) 4g Consistent. Last start len 2nd Common Man EF 1200m Grad May 1 1 Three starts back notched hat-trick with '2 len defeat of Our Gagnant. Twin Peaks Sport 1110m Grad Apr 20 BARTLETT (D Mulllns) Sg: No recent form.

13th Minx EF 1313m Grad May 18 after 11th Common Man EF 1200m Grad May 11 CALM GENT (N Dawson) Made around for 6th Common Man EF 1200m Grad May 1 1 in second start since let-up. hnk win Intingo. Lord Hussar Dbn 1350m Nvc Feb 2. FLEET CONSUL (G 5 Liver- 5g: 5th of nine Basic French Bba 1000m Trans May 16 in first PAcmc RUN TOXISHT 1 7.15 QUALIFYING MOBILE 1900m 1 -594 DEUX DARK ONES fr 2 -221 KEEUNQ fr 3 -802 RAMESES fr 4 234 GABEUCH fr 6 -890 EDDIE ARMAGH fr 6 293 CHINDE fr 7 274 REIGNING DOLLAR fr 8 -571 TWO STROKE fr 9 -442 TEMPEST NEVA fr 10-686 BENTYE fr RAMESES 1 Ka Ung 2 Two Stroke 5 1ST LEG EXTRA DOUBLE 2 7.46 VIC SIRES MOBILE No 4 1970m 1 -431 PROUD SHEFFIELD 2 -443 SMOKEY BRAE (re) 3-126 RICHMOND R0YALE fr 4 -533 BOY MAX (res) fr 6- 121 BRONSKI BEAT fr 6 354 AMAZING JAZZ fr 7 312 MIGHTY AVENGER 8- 311 RAPOANCER fr 9 -225 LUNAR ALTO (res) fr 10-672 GALAXY BLUE fr 11 -405 BUTLER ALTO fr 12- 1 MISTER MONAWEY 13 -138 WINDSOR PRINCE fr BRONSKI BEAT 1 Miater oneway 2 Mighty Avenger 3 8.10 TROTTERS' CUP 2300m 1 .646 HONEY JOHN fr 2 -456 NORTHSEA ROVER 3 -970 ADMIRAL AARON fr 4 -600 BALHOLMEN COURT fr 5 -231 MOUNT ALM 10 6 925 SKIPPER DON ...20 7 087 DOWNSOUTH CLARE .20 8 -147 SUPER SPREE 20 9 -112 COOMAMAREE 20 cUPERBPREE 1 Mount Akn 2 EXTRA QUINELLA 2ND LEG EXTRA DOUBLE METEOR MOBILE 2400m 1 -163 AOIOS PEERLESS 2 968 JACKA GREEN 3 -536 HAUGHTY LORD 4 -511 RISIBLE 5 -822 KARIKI 8 -333 ONLY A TIFF 7 -342 DIAMOND MAGIC 8 -471 GO SCOTCH 9 -838 TRINA'S GIRL 10 873 EVENING TYROS 11-818 MASOWAY fr RISIBLE 1 Adtoa Maeo Way I 2 1 TUUANA BESS: Made ground after tarc'y start 8 len 2nd Yukon Pete fast 37 17 Vale 6 17m May io raoi oiscracea ten tna Century Dream 43 56 Hheat May la. Place claims in better field.

NINCA FLASH: Unpl Gosford and Dapto before 3 len 2nd Lease Of Life 44 01 HPk heat May 15 and 8 len 4th Mighty Mocka Lithgow 706m last Sat. Others better. LINEN'S BEST: Classy stayer better suited this distace than last start 2nd Sparkling Coin Brook 560m May 16 Previous night 2'j len 2nd Maple Sapphire 43.74 HPk heat. Impressive Castle vnnner Apr 27. May 4.

BEEJAY BALE: Failed in three HPk runs before 1 'j len 2nd Greek Force 43 71 Penrith May 4 and 44 22 HPk heat win May 15. UncH HPk qual Wed. Looks outclassed LUCKY DOLLAR: Good run 1 'i len 2nd Larghetto 44.23 HPk Wft ti 1-411 TOUCH 2-742 SEA PILOT S-1 55 PUNZAPOPPIN 4- 351 BANDAID 5- 181 POUND KEEPER B-1 11 BARNEYS LION 7- KYM-5 DANCE 8- 312 WAVERLV CARD B-37F RACKS ROO (BOX 7) IN TOUCH: Failed only two HPk runs but has good record out-of-town tracks. Winner past two starts Canberra and Young May 8. 18 Speedy and rails draw Should suit.

SEA PILOT: Has done most of his racing at Bulli. Last start ran on well hd 2nd Pound Keeper 25 57 May IS. First start HPk and prefer to see FUNZAPOPPIN: Unpl Maitland and Cess nock May 8. 1 3 since showing speed 27.95 Maitland win (hvy trk) May 2. Failed to Show up in three HPk starts.

BANDAIO: Promising run odds-on 32 03 Mond win (box 1) May 17 after 4 len 5 th Windmill Lad 31 26 harder WPk race Aor 20 Only HPk start 7 len 3rd Proper Kevin Apr 13. Looks well placed POUND KEEPER: Goes fast but not strong at finish. Winner 1181 FLASH AQUILA 2-827 ROCKET WAYNE 5-512 GALLANT BARRY 4- TINKER'S PRIDE 5- 112 SUPREME SAM 5-121 MILO THE MONEY 7- 111 CASEY'S IMAGE 8-621 JALENGLA KING -111 PROUD WORLD (BOX 4) 10-111 CARMYA LAD (2nd res) FLASH AQUILA: Winner two of past three starts Cessnock 26 62 and 26 74 Apr 23. May 6. Only HPk run 4 len 5th Even Time 26 67 (box 1) at 7-1 Mar 18 ROCKEY WAYNE: Led until last 50m len 2nd Set Point 27.1 9 HPk Apr 22 before no luck 7th Daisy Doll WPk (hvy trk) Mav 6.

Lightly raced and room for improvement. GALLANT BARRY: Provincial form consistent. Finished strongly nose 2nd Collaroy Lady 27.34 Singleton May 10 before coming from last 5 len 2nd Jalengla King slow 27.14 HPk iast Mon. Slow beginner. TINKER'S PRIDE: Scratched.

SUPREME SAM: Yet to finish worse than 2nd in eight starts. Followed winning double 26.62 Wagga and 23 60 Maitland May 3. 5 with strong 1 a len 2nd Tinker's Pride 27.23 HPk Mon at first run on track. MILO THE MONEY: Three 8.55 2ndAppinStk(4thgd) 457m RUN TODAY 1 -1 .05 MIXED STAKE 485m: 1 London Blue 2 Team Mascot 3 Newport Miss 4 Admiral Cruise 5 Parade On 6 Zulu Mist 7 Happy Thornton 8 Julie Moreska 9 Popular Appeal (1 st res) 1 0 Petite Gold (2nd res). IULIE MORESKA 1 Admiral Cruise 2 Parade On 3.

2 1.30 ADAMSTOWN STAKE 485m: 1 Ron Problem 2 General Remark 3 Waverly Cascade 4 One For Loan 5 Wild Wine 6 Fast Return 7 Sister William 8 Timely Beauty 9 White Athena (1st res) 10 Overarm (2nd res). RON'S PROBLEM 1 General Remarks 2 Wild Wine 3. 3 135 ADAMSTOWN STAKE 280m: 1 Aussie Trio 2 Iron Blade 3 Good And Solid 4 Red Soma 5 Mitzie's First 6 Open The Bar 7 Winnie Mate 8 Free Love 9 Left Guessin (1st res) 10 Be Splendid (2nd res). WINNIE'S MATE 1 Free Leva 2 Aussie Trio 3. LIGHTNING STAKE 280m: 1 Better Future 2 Black Revelry 3 Black Butter 4 Dusty Sweeper 5 6 Slick Spot 7 Toukley Hawk 8 Fronting.

BLACK REVELRY 1 Slick Spot 2 Fronting 3. 1ST LEG EXRA DOUBLE EXTRA TRIFECTA 5 2.40 MEREWETHER STAKE 485m: 1 Modern Image 2 Muezzim 3 Stage Supreme 4 Perfect Time 5 Little Nig 6 Angel Offer 7 Frontline King 8 Sunset Chief 9 True Empire (1st res) 10 Metric Maid (2nd res). MODERN IMAGE 1 Frontline King 2 Stage Supreme 3. 6 3.05 ADAMSTOWN STAKE 485m: 1 Ginger Slice 2 Scarlet Square 3 Vibrant Rondor 4 Call Me Louise 5 Star Temptation 6 Ecca The Wrecka 7 Tour Le Monde 8 Unigonazles 9 Panton Hill King (1st res) 10 Sir Palana (2nd res). VIBRANT RONDOR 1 Scarlet Snuire 2 Ecca The Wrecker 3.

RUN TCX1IXT EXTRA TRIFECTA 1-745 WALLGROVE STAKE 720m: 1 Just Mocka 2 Donagh-adee 3 Smiling Alfia 4 Alert Bandit 5 World Ambition 6 Nice Tevtot 7 Superkid 8 Serene Gold 9 Send A Message 1 st res) 1 0 Tammy April (2nd res). WORLD AMBITION 1 Serene GoM 2 Nice evict 5. 2 745 PENRITH TROPHY (Heat 1) 530m: 1 Glory Design 2 Boulder Rock 3 Comic Pages 4 Call Me Deb 5 Miss Free Ways 6 Peppe Joy 7 Select Wood 8 Nola Boy 9 Silver Swan (1st res) 10 This Is Waverly (2nd res). NOLAf BOY 1 CaM Me Deb 2 Glory Design 3. 1ST LEG EXTRA DOUBLE 8 0S GREEN'S TWIN TRACK TROPHY (Heat T) S50m: 1 Jenny Villain Weona Design 3 Ftreleight Miss 4 Sussex Lady 5 Miss Bowranaler 6 Kiltv Band 7 01 vs Claim 8 Isle Of Osti.

SUSSEX LADY 1 Fir Llaht Miss 2 Jenny's Villain 3. 3ir EXTRA QUINELLA 4 8.25 PENRITH TROPHY (Heat 2) 530m: Anglo Star 2 Outlaw Jessie 3 Little Admiral 4 Nation Gard 5 Slender Joe 6 Any Dazzle 7 Overflow Pinch 8 Villa Capri 9 Pieces Of Silver (1st res) 10 Proud Pinch (2nd res). ANGLO STAR 1 UtOe Admiral 2 Nation Gard 3. 2ND LEG EXTRA DOUBLE 5 8 50 GREEN'S TWIN TRACK TROPHY (Heat 2) 530m: 1 Back Home 2 Stride To Glory 3 Lucy Rev 4 Crazy Water Last Bid 6 Fashion Joy 7 Shear Joy Acclaim Eagle. ACCLAIM EAGLE 5 Stride Te Clary 2 Shear Jay 3.

McCaStim 12-1 Goodwin 5-2 Watson 12-1 SCRATCHED Brady 5-2 Green 7-1 Cane VI Manqwmarv 27.14 4-1 Finn 5-1 Manahaj 10-1 1-521 TINKER'S ROCKET 2- 453 ALOHA'S BEST 3- 511 CHOP STICKS 4- 251 RESEAL 5- 525 EL BE GAS 6- 22 MYALL FLYER 7-461 GENERAL ANOY 8- 123 MIGHTY TERROR f-744 VILLAGE GOLD (res) TINKER'S ROCKET: Handy to lead all way 2 len 2nd Wild Schroder 22 01 Singleton 384m May 17 before leading all way 27 07 HPk win (box 2) at 4-1 last Mon Boxed to be prominent again. ALISHA'S BEST: Has ability but form patchy. Last start 4 a len 3rd Garry Laroo 16 21 Appin 274m May 18. Best HPk form includes 26 64 win Jul 23 last year. Indicated fitness strong finishing 27 22 HP qual win Wed Could surprise CHOP STICKS: Lightly raced and promising Winner oast two starts Bulli 25 85 and 2516 May 8.

IS. First start HPk but looks suited and pay to follow. RESEAL: Thalled moderate 27 25 between races HPk Mon but can do better. Previous form includes Appin placings Apr 27. May 4.

No surprise if ha runs well at good odds. EL BEGA5: This easier than 5 len 5th Daisy Emm HPk Mon after 3z ten 2nd Twin Speed 23.49 wirs. two 2nds past five Starts. Oddt-on scoring Nowra 365m May 17 after 2z len 2nd Go Temander Canberra 310m May 3. New to HPk but looks suited.

CASEY'S IMAGE: New to HPk. Boom youngster with four wins from five starts. Winner past three Cessnock 23 27 and 23.18 Jan 21. May 6 and Maitland 23.42 May 15 Pay to follow. JALENGLA KING: Fair effort 6 len 2nd Too Late Lass 27.1 1 Singleton May 1 0 before showing speed 27.14 HPk win (bo 7) at 7-1 last Mon.

Improver. PROUD WORLD: Starts box 4. Up and coming sprinter unbeaten past four starts Temora (3) and Orange. First start HPk but times indicate he is well above average. CARINYA LAO: Another with too provincial form.

Winner four of past live starts Brook latest by len in best time of night over 429m May 1 6. First start HPk but pay to follow..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


How biased is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the most reputable newspaper in Australia? ›

Top Australian Newspapers
  • Herald Sun ...
  • The Daily Telegraph ...
  • The Courier-Mail ...
  • The Sydney Morning Herald ...
  • The West Australian ...
  • The Age

What is the purpose of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism as Australia's number one news brand, whilst generating high-quality and informed opinions and debates to help readers make up their own minds.

Is it The Sydney Morning Herald or Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) is a daily tabloid newspaper published in Sydney, Australia, and owned by Nine.

What is the most trusted news channel in Australia? ›

The ABC is Australia's most trusted source for news and information. For more than 90 years it has ensured audiences are informed and educated with impartial coverage of local, national and global affairs.

Who is The Sydney Morning Herald audience? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald has maintained its position as Australia's most-read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.2 million, according to figures released by Roy Morgan on Monday.

What is the most watched news in Australia? ›

7NEWS, Sunrise and The Morning Show remain the most watched news, breakfast and morning shows in Australia, while Home and Away is the #1 local drama series.

What is the highest selling newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia. Based in one of the country's two major cities, Melbourne, it is the result of the amalgamation of the original Sun and Herald newspapers.

What are the conservative newspapers in Australia? ›

Major conservative regional newspapers include The Daily Telegraph, The West Australian, The Mercury, The Canberra Times, The Advertiser and The Courier-Mail.

What is the political stance of the Herald? ›

Political stance

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

What is the slogan of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Tagline / Call to Action:

Independent. Always.

What are the values of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Sydney Morning Herald Code of Ethics
  • Honesty. Herald staff will report and interpret honestly, striving for accuracy, fairness and disclosure of all essential facts. ...
  • Impartiality. ...
  • Fairness. ...
  • Independence. ...
  • Privacy. ...
  • Respect. ...
  • Relevance. ...
  • Plagiarism.

How popular is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read masthead, with more than 8.4 million readers across digital and print over the past 12 months. The Herald finished ahead of The Australian, which had an average readership of 4.4 million, while The Daily Telegraph has an average readership of 4 million.

What is the main newspaper in Sydney? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald app free? ›

The app is free to download. You can unlock unlimited access to all content with a Starter Digital subscription through the App Store.

Is the ABC biased in Australia? ›

The ABC has regularly been the subject of criticism from a number of quarters; there have been frequent allegations of bias in reporting, inappropriate programming, political appointments to the ABC Board and mismanagement of funds.

What is the conservative media in Australia? ›

The primary conservative magazines in Australia are News Weekly, Quadrant and The Spectator Australia.

Is the Herald Sun a conservative newspaper? ›

The Herald Sun is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, published by The Herald and Weekly Times, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of the Murdoch owned News Corp.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.