The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

BUjjNESSES FOR SALE! BUSINESSES FOR SALE! BUSINESSES FOR SALEiRUSINESSES FOR SALE BUSINESSES FOR SALE! BUSINESSES WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES II The Sydney Morning Herald, UI March 26, 1983 II BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SUNSHINE Coast, chlldrtns and Q0T SOMETHING TOSiU? i Ask for our AVAILABLE FOR LEASE B0GGABILLA ALL-NITER Newell Highyway, Boggabilla FACILITIES COMPRISE: Patrol Distillate Dispensing. Restaurant Takeaway Food Facilities. Weighbridge. Capital requirement approx. $110,000.

This high volume sit Is available for lease In April and we are seeking applicants who are prepared to accept the challenge operating such a business. Training fn service station and restaurant waiiaiiarnam win am provided so auttassiui applicant, For more details Dhono Mr. Keren Mulr-McCarey (076) 35 6365. TOY SHOP. Near French's forest.

taxings arouno iu.uoo Per annum. Net profit around $28,000 per annum. Same) owner i yra. aecureo laa. arte av.v FD CT IUI 1B7 Man, Vila Rd.

St. fva. Ml M625, A.H. 449 470. TAKIAWAV for Utt p.m.

TAXIS and (Inane, avall.bla. rnoq. 4S1 0055, waeKMida and D.h. 221 2093 but. hn TAKE-AWAY with residence.

En- neio. uraeni e. oners. 74 6S6S after 4 p.m. TAKEAWAV-Dlneln Piste and inicxen, norrn coaii sourin raa.

1 raoiiin oniT a nra. oauy, T.O $65,000. No competition. Good profit. Principals only.

065 89 9817. evenings. THIS growing business at ex panding Namoucca neaos on int ni a norm iosk is ine iaeai opportunity for financial Indepen- rianra. Thl awrallant rah flow business comprises Freehold Petrol station with Pacific way frontage combined with a fresh searooa snop ana ice manuiac turlno Dlant. Good value al $190,000 Further de- iaiis (uo3j 00 0101 or luoaj 66 6658; TAXI Finance available to ap proved purchasers.

BENEFICIAL FINANCE CORP. LTD. 28S George Street, Sydney. Phone 264 7007. 81 TAXlSt finance avanaoit for tne purchase of taxis.

ALFRED MOSS INVESTMENTS PTY. 154 Castlereagh Strtat. Phone 264 6525. TAXI unrtstriettd. .1979 Holden Hz reqistereo Novtmotr.

83, $53,000. 86 5612. at TAXI SERVICE. 5761500. viia-NDrin lojii ot ra.s.w.

based at Laurleton, serving the kimain naven ana rural radio controlled cars, one air-conditioned, both good condition. 1 No competition, guarantee a permanent Income. Priced at S7O.500. K. B.

HALL 4 SONS 26 THE PARADE, NORTH HAVEN. 2443. Phone: 59 9400 (065) A.H.: 59 8017. TAXIS. tavic nnance available for the pur Finance Corporation of Aust.

contact David Jackson, THE ENTRANCE. Beautiful shop, good growln busl ness in uood oncliiAn a P'ai't and fittings (over $3000). $230 p.w. rent, good profit. ions tease.

$41,500 S.A.V. Suit TAKE-AWAY FOODrsmall dell Takings $3300. S'j days, big 41S8. TOY5HOP. Over 1000 TEXAS OIL COMPANY Seek success -oriented individual er company to represent Its line Of nign.

performance roonng growin opponuniiy, no prior B. T. THOMAS, Senior Vice President P. 0. Box 789, Fort Worth, Texas 76101 U.S.A.

Telex 758300; Cable SWEPC0. SERVICE STATION LITHG0W Business situated in modern csowt mkt" ftMi cond tioned Mall In orowlno -L Office provides Upper Hunter Town Little Interested parties should contact Mr, D- Lawes. P.O. Box 49, athuPtf 270K. ahona Qfill S1 21fi.

SALES PROFESSIONALS 25-45 prooucts. outstanding earning! ana roonng experience neeoeo. rc 30s1 OPPORTUNITY the manufacture and distribution io in to a secure ano growing HAIRDRESSER. New Centre near rairneiu, vpvnjng May Oi, RSS shop available for Unisex Salon. Join Franklins.

TAB. Tavern and 20 other shops, parking for 260 ri iuit.naT in rurmaiion call iapo o.n. or a aovo a.n HOT BREAD SHOP to lease Ii iiT.i modern ma a. weti astao' llatinii hitclnaas. An Uu tunlty (or a husband and wife team.

It Is not necessary to be a baker. All training provided bv national company with over 43 IMk fOUJIfl'SMN OR For sala." KEY ENGQ A.VIMR i innr. fi 1 wop avauaoi. Parle. WMt of Fair.

Mun 5.1 cwniains rranKiink fv oiner Mioot. rKt BUM OM .1.. S.a Pr furth.r Information rlna, 950 1468. b.h. or 5 4B86 l.g.l LtADING IMPCRTER of automo- metropolitan and country areas.

Tne DITidufit Mrm uall l. DlStrlhutnra wrfil o. Purchase stock and have a aisyui7 WI ta 800ka. Caoltal Thra Ii an local opportunity for anara.tlr mhah. I'J tholr own wholMal.

busln.it1 wciian. return. In country area. th. arranna- ES?" P.rson who WlSli.l to work 2 nr A knowl.og, of motor would b.

an Product For furtnar details, pfion. 642,855 OAPCO PTY. ITO. SOUTH STRATHFIELD. LADIESWIARPASHION.

M.w Anuppinn near opening May ej. with IJernLlouor Bam. TAB, MMIcal Suit, and 20 othar ha, a vacancy for a good Udl.swMrFashlon outlrt. parking for 260 cars directly opposite 1200 pupil High School. For further Information ring 958 14M b.h., or 5 4B96 MARINE BUSINESS opportunity.

i.wti, rn water, front. For detail, phone Da, Connell (066) as 2699 Balllna. MANUFACTURING of light fit. itn. iiui iraoea ror 6 a An Vi'.

rn. MANAGERS Do you want the AUTONOMY v. your own DUSines(7 Than call me for an appoint. discuss this Interesting 358 ONE ONLY. oiler a local service for a hint iroltoV? rntf5 n.d toniumer outslcle your area.

We can promise extravagant weekly JVonS05, Investment ol rurn better than similar ouslness opportunities. If. work to, i week rums related worked then rubber know able someone your area cuts apiS; Write tod mora Ave. Cremorne. 2090.

woodwork or building Inffstrv Plus trst lnvtrnt LonO lease or option w7. rngne ao Ml a.h. PANEL SHOP" Old. Oh Nooia Heads 337 4906. b.h.

(071, dQ wif 1031 SpAC.i AVAILABLE In arrIiri 5c- 2 rent to pay HtSTAURANT OPERATOR city Corporate Health tit Centre, Exciting op-POrtunitv to ODtrat nli't, '1? orWoious unique Confidential Inquiries to: John on 235 1245. Tues. 29th and Wed. 30th, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

only. Or write Box 2222, G.P.O. Sydney, 2001. REPRESENTATIVES for N.S.W. Da ry Oueen ast foods, will a March 27th to April 4th.

Parties Interested in discussing potential store situations. are Z. JLiy'' MCAnarew 635 30a or 669 1652 for RESTAURANT. New Centre Falrtlald nnanlnn I. has outlet suitattl for rhi.

neseContmcntai Resuurant. Licensed with 7 day trading. Adjacent to Hotel Llouor HarrT. of parking. For further iiiviinauvn tail MO 14CS 0.11.

SLIPWAY cltv, cradle SO feet, available for -n progressive iity or Queensland's Central fnat vt-nue for 6 months ending Slstl l. tt'iii 1 4. years run. Excellent opportunity for ownei operator. Enquiries by Principals om aa Manager.

(07) SHOE LACES, flSSoTtfrddesians colours. Ideal for Royal Show market stall. $3 per dozen pad mixed. 896 1574. SHEEPSKIN PRODUCTS manufac t- "no'esaier.

Biggest for footwear. Long UGG BOOTS. 4 length and ankle for ladies and men. Children. V.GQ BOOTS.


NEW 9i tlcs. maae to order. Country buying aaents. Retailers welcomed. STALL HOLDERS ANYWHERE IN A US.

TRALIA WELCOME. For brochute and price list, head office, 1 7 vauurwuK ai. rarest run. vie; 3131. START YOUR OWN, TRASH AND TREASURE MAR-' ON high PROFITS We can't be beateni for quality and prices for all winter needs.

For Instant Infor- maifon; tujj aa vie. FOOD SALES OUTLET 0OMADERRY. FILE 773118. PrflMWI Atrm Invltaft taall be received bv the underslnnad at Council's Administrative tviitrc. onoqe itoao.

Nowra. until 4 P.m. on Wednesday. 20th April. 1983, for the lease of the fully equipped Food Sales Section ol the Shoal ha van TrtnrJtt Centre, situated on the Princes nisfiwav.

Bomaaerry. ProDOsals are tn ha tn alad envelopes and endorsed with the tub numwr ano marKoa rrooo-sai Food Sales Outlet" and should state the term of the mw, tn rental onereo ana any special corroiDons. The outlet has been In ooera tion for eight vears and the present lease has expired. A traf. fie count on the Highway, taken showed that an avcraoe of 8.500 vehicles per day passed the centre.

Telex or tetepratn proposaJs are not acceptable. Canvassing of Aldermen will disqualify the proposal. The highest or any proposal not necessarily accepted. W. G.

LAMOND. Town Clerk, P.O. Box 42. NOWRA. N.S.W.

2S41. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WAWT1D Product suitable for man oroer asies repiy wun una uuaoratK a am rj, liu. 5o'a Boj A new a-Jrv hiiM laf'p. hLraii reoufres a worktna managereSA with strong P. SkWt anj orTr raoulred lor Share Of pTtvjSi Ja ttils new venture.

Cad John Wilson. 29 4691. home 977 4932. U.S.A.. having its main Objective in shipping and building materials, wishes to make contact with a rnmmnv.lnvMl In similar operation and who are commercial minded as well as having the abMltv of handling innrmai ronti cnenis ano con1 tracts, Pleas contact us with a brief resume P.O.

Box 176. Crows Nest. 2065 or Phonej bb, aneniron Mr, nmair. PARTNERSHIPS, AGENCIES A CITY TELEX SERVICE, wo wiov, sens rec. oy pnone.

NO fees. PAY ONLY POR USE BY 21 1 1 17 1 ACCOUNTS, AGENTS wanted N.S.W, country mu if i ci rw. tor new colour ACM AN badges and stickers. 33 3S5S. AGENTS leisure.

and active ponwear. we neea an agent with effective sales Into soeclaltv stores and boutiques for new ana exciting ranges oi trans seasonal leisure and active sporuwear won io oe launcneo. A CITY PHONE ANSWERING secretary. 30 montn. vour reg.

address. Save staff, telex, mall. 204720 George St. 211 1472. AGENT required to sell our range or cnuoren staoonery and accessory Items to naw.

agents toy shops and gift shops in me nonnem metropolitan area. Takeover existing Customers and further develop the icrruoTT. "tuai area irexiDie. CHARACTER CONCEPTS PL. Sat, and A.h.

499 296S. AGENT ratline an furniture ratal. iers ana for mancnesier outlets sen range oi pinows in met ropolitan area. Contact BUI Bye on bob aj. AN established agent calling on nanacran cuiin, wnn an.

elusive ranoe. Ii looklna' additional products to SeU. Please contact Mr Kool on 31 1550 anytime or a.h. ARINTSf rtFALFRe ara raad. throuphout Ai-stralla to handle the sale and Installation of icrosaet.

tne revoiuntionary computer-based security alarm. MICROSAET Is intelligent and can readily be adapted to the security needs of the home and of tne otnee. its competitive pricing ana nign return guaran teal the lutrMi of our tale force. No prior knowledge of tne security mantel or oi ntgni technoloav eauloment Is neces' sary as a comprehensive sales course will provided. Interested organisations are Invited io appiy to: L.S.E.

TECHNOLOGY O. Box 489, Chatswood. N.S.W. Or Derrick David on (Oi) SOo 0733. AGENT, calling on Sntloue thorn.

handle as an additional line sets, of period prints mounted on antique gilt wooden backing and irame. very comoemive prices. Inquiries 290 1200. ACTIVE Partner required manufacturers agent, est. years marketing consumer acceptable world brand audio and hi fl.

Selected Investor must nave basic Knowledge or ni and the ability to obtain orofit sales results. Write Audio HI Fi. la.r.u. box 33, ayonev. TELEX Service," Interstate and overseas.

Phone us with messages, we phone you with replies ana mati copies, ma erojj. PHONOFFIfE FRVICU. AGENCIES WANTED. operate out or Newcastle to service oosioro. coan terns Nortn1 West and North Cost.

Preferably nomewares. stanonery, gins, manchester and travel ooods. Other lines of merchandise could da or interest, pnone (U49) AGENTS: LEISURE AND ACTIVE -SPORTSWEAR. Wa need an Aoant with affar. tlve sales Into speciality stores ana Douuques ror new ana exciting ranaes of trans-seasonal leisure and active sportswear soon to dp launtnea.

(03) 876 2177 all houri and weekend. AGENTS wanted for city and country, an states visiting liquor stores and hotels. Experience ano rets, requ rea. pnone 0fi5 46 6105. AGENT required who handle; men's and boys' wear, our range consists of boys' trousers and shirts.

Further details contact A 24-hour phone answering, mall rKtnnian servic. i Ma n.w. Telex avail. nrrtn. oo.

PHONOFFICE SERVICES. AGENTS and dealers goods avall- Sung lasses, leather purses and wallets, shoes and thongs. alao Hiii nnn. o.n. bw OaCata BUILDER wants oartnar ro'hullrl morei.

xzoa.nvo requirea. Land BUILDER has 1 a million dotlai govt. toniraci. wnai oniri, fn45)5S 13S3 Mah. COMMISSION AGENT required dv wnoiesaier toi call on dlv.

shops and sports stores, ivonry ano rv.s.w. country ar-J. Ph. f031 390 1657. COMM.

AGENT. S.A. Jewellery! nne. p.o. box lb.

winosoe. 31I1 Vic. SIT IBdS CRUCCI WALLS. we require an anent to cover NSW. Please reply In writing stating area covered, etc.

to P.O. Box 200 Abbotsford. Vic, 3067. DISTRIBUTORS required to mar- net weiion. ine revoiunonerr TEFLON bff-wd range of automotive products to automotive out lats.

Cal mini no it avallahla plus a supporting TV advertising campamn. Interested parties please contact the accountant. Metlon Research 4th 437 St. Kilda -Melbourne. 3004.

Teflon reg. trade name OuPont. ilSTRIBUTORS ANTE 6" Revo- lutlonary hydraulic tipping and v4 ontantlat Writ ft Pramlar Handling Suppliers. 6 PahiamenK eeinania waters. 420S.

DISTRIBUTORS reoulred to mar. xet tast selling new proouct to chemists. stationery. photographic shops throughout Sydney nieirgpoiiHTi area, rrwousi ai ready selling well overseas, Phone 438 1907, 438 1903. DISTRIBUTORS required for rep uiaoie orana or sen xtn oreatn alvier kits.

Apolieants to bi Svdnev based, whalatale rom panics employing sates force capaoie ot promotion in n.s.vv. possibly national. Eastland Ellis Ptv LtH. il9 1S6B. FRANCHISING.

For a specialist! in mis tieig. 3P tia aw time. FURNITURE OPPORTUNITY. Offer Jo share profit. No money neeaea.

rrerer rerirea. periencea. local person-30 7244. IMPORTERS lln. kltcVienware.

rloftca and watches annd lighters. We wan steady supplies of the above goods on C.O.O. basis. Job lots mna ancii imc wnwm. nww reply in nrst instance, Tne ah vertiser, P.O.

Box 230. Redfem, N.S.W. INVESTOR-PARTNER required to assise in oevetopins ano marnn I no hloh nraHt venture In hulld, Ing and horn handyman use. Ph. U1J OB JOJ.

that us. we guarantee results on a budget as small as 320,000 per annum. SUNSHINIs0 ADVERTISING. An accredited adYertUlrig agency, specialising In TV adV venising tor ie years. i We need successful oeoole wth commitment, to torn a new distributorshio based on the north shore SSdJb.nd.n.

Tdl.adcr,Xd.rl."fn8r which may well your or.r.f income by 50 Pleasenng Mr Munro. 44951 14 to lor an interview 30s I OFFER 1 3 lines for 3 days for $10 Private advertisers only Herald Classifieds 282 1122 PARTNERSHIPS, AGENCIES JOINT VENTURE. Gold Detect-' my. Mature protesstonai person seeks partner. Rtfs.

essential. 449 LEISURE INDUSTRY IHAnUrAl.TUHINUi MAJRKET-tNG. EXPORT, MANAGEMENT. 50 p.c. equity If being Offered to an Incoming shareholder or company who will bo able to relieve the pressure In any of the areas specified above.

The company's products are currently awiioying the assistance of the Aust. Department of Trade during our export drive. Wa are also about to launch strong local marketing campaign throughout Australia. "Prospects Fantastic. "Homework Compteted, "Prototype approved at all levels.

The Incoming party will bo prepared to devote hill time to the project and have a minimum SI 00.000 available immediately. LEADING Sydney wholesale oil wumpanr seeding commission agents for Sydney metropolitan and country and Interstate covv eragc. interested partle please contact Mr Williams, 799 4706 aftar 1 lADtESWEAK agency, showroom. wiiiiut ano auouroi requires good new MANUFACTURER and ImoorteT or waroen rrooucts requires active agent distributor to service Garden Nurseries Hardware ReUit Outlets in the Newcastle and Northern N.S.W. rei.1fl reply to P.O.

Box 219 fltxroy. Victoria. 1065. MANUFACTURER requires agents. freelance travellers throughout Australia.

Fast selling line. Ring Thursday. (02) 358 4801. Unit SMS Macleav Prrtt PnJnt. alt )nn a MARKET space available.

Sell vour mock ror casn quicxiy. join us In our 8th successful vear of business. Open 3 days a week. Ring Ralchel on (049) 69 SB3B. MANUFACTURER require" agents ror Australian made Folding tables, souvenirs, spoon racks, spice bottle racks, knife racks, magazine racks.

mug racks, etc. 637 3155. MANUFACTURER'S AGENT. country. serve nam ware ano builders' supply stores.

Established product requires reprsen- 1' ad service. Phone 666 B632 b.h. er 309 2443 a.h. MARKET space available. Sell" 'NEWCASTLE Agencies, wantecf iiiuuainei, uviiomg, naroware.

20 years sates experience. Reply (049) S7 2029 or write 2J Victoria Cres, New Lambton HtS. 2305. PARTNER wanted xp. In automatic transmission.

646 3064. a.h. 637 6449. PARTNER needed In email frock hriH623 72M. PARTNIR wanttd for Sf.

3201. PARTNER. I am looking for a good, honest marketing man to be partnership in a cosmetic line, no money required at the start while the products are here. Good chance for the right miaw047' 31 PRODUCT SERVICES WANTED. we operate a ousiness at Banks-' town which Involves direct sales and are looking for additional saleable Items or services to boost our earnings.

We trade 7 days, have spare capacity for phone use. clerical, direct tell tng, storage space and the staff are underworked. For a dls-CLWtlon with the owners, phone 70" 4SQ. bus. hrs.

PARTNERS reed, for real estate development. Northern Suburbs. Mln. S25.000. Principals Only.

MS 9422 hue hrt. PRINTING sales representative at partner in eaoiinea priming business. First class opportunity. For Information. phono 428 1157.

PRE-SCHOOL CO DIRECTOR to take over position as partner In, a private centre at Aval on. The partners are concerned to maintain the centres A Class standard, therefore, ask that Interested persons, apoly In writing. Including details of qualification! and previous axoerience. Written applications to Box Herald by April. 15.

1983; REAL ESTATE Agent Auctioneer exp. rreparea to supply expertise and act as licensee for reasonable fee. Inquiries 661 36S8 evenings. REAL ESTATE AGENCY reoulres imtY nrencea Agent to wortc on conjunction basis. Ph.

439 3B11. REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES. For eastern sun, agency, must nave licence. 398 7222. REAL ESTATE.

Position required as associate in estabtisneo norm-em district agency, would consider partnership or purchase. For confidential discussion please phone 477 1739 during RACING INDUSTRY. vve require an inienmemi male or female to 40. who Is conversant with on course total-isator to assist In nighty profitable Interstate operations. Remuneration by negotiation.

Equity interest at vour dlt- REAL ESTATE: See our advertise ment in positions vacant. General. GRAY MULRONEY. S71 7171. PPOnTUNITV TO OPfRATg under excellent conditions with well respected, wetl established agency group, covering the complete HILLS DISTRICT.

Please ph. Monday. Geoff Bevertdge. i GLEN HAVEN REAL ESTATE P.L.. Castle Hill 634 3444 or evenings 683 3337.

'WE COULDN'T IE BUSIER. In established lodge. CO H4 SlC niggins, an tacuitics, so, odd n.o. Ph. (062) 58 7611.

SECONDHAND and antique cloth ing for market ana snop. ssoo p.c. mark-up for dealers. We sett In bulk. 357 2664, SOLICITORS.

Reduce overneaes witnour xne necessity to merge. Had den Executive suites will provide a. fully serviced office with phone answering, secretarial, photo copying, teiex ano com. 919 4262 a.h. TASMANIAN AGENT seeks products, anyuiing considered, to suit 7 day a week operation.

Phone (02) 95 1061. TELEPHONE Answering Service. Nortn west ivoney. secretary, mall. Genuine SS p.w, Safe capital, staff.

No more miscalls. WORKING partner required for caravan parx. torn naroour area, excellent figures available, room for expansion, capital re- Sired $210,000 for half share. S3 4277. WANTED agent, establlfrtied hard ware manna, nortn woe prefer red.

02 936 5584. WELL Introduced Commission Agentvvnoiesaier servicing litre outiata Nth. Coast. New Inoland. west country, etc requires flew lines, prefer mid to lower mar ket Ph p65) 62 S036 or writ Rox 294.

Kemosev. 2440. A NEW ZEALAND Nth. News Mency? 5t ad. this section, ondtf NEWS AGENCY.

Contact 27ftM. QUIKNSlArtO. Music and record ce nirav oe or ma rarant outbid t.o. tn excesi o( S450.000 Price (105.0001 jrnwijy i vii RESTAURANT Stafood.

fully nc en wo, esiaonsnea rears. (llnnf ranutatinn. aood DfO- spectt.i.Patldc Highway, Urunpa- pn. tomm oe. ft 5TW KHI UOSO CI IV, geiiuM 1 opportunity.

SIS 4416 Dell Mixed but! Blue Mountains, caters 65 In cow', comfort, licenced with internal' rnrUtmH har. Thl bull ni-Atrra a unloue and tranaull life style In the magnificent Bluer Mountain out in easy reacn oi Sydney. Large block with 2 street Irontagel. 1 b.r. flat.

We property la only available to tale due Id unfortunate family circ*mstances. Excellent vaiue ai S14fttO0. Inquiries Blaxland Estate Agency, 63 Old Bathum no, can Biaxiaiia. riivna 39 1961. RESTAURANT.

MOMA VALE BEACH. SeJAuctlon cotumm ttils Issue, NawoorfL RESTAURANT. Health force i 043 84 3047.. RESTAURANT. French.

R.Y.O. Lease 4 cneap rent. sia.guu 523 161 RST AtntANT, "urgent tale. Seats partner going o'teas, 16WK; Pleas ph. art.

6 p.m. a 6438. fSTAtJllANT. South Eastern Suburb. No good will.

Lavishly appointee, runy equippeo. an cond.Ue.ntd. seats 120 people, 3 a.m. liquor licence. Plenty of ofl street Barking, suitable Italian, Mexican.

Chin etc. Phone Mr, lrvi4l 21 20 after 1 1 a.m. REALIST. NOM'MENT. ESTABLISHED Rose Bay Old at.

excellent position. Ph. 1 74Z. RESTAURANT, fully licensed and wall eaulnoed. In the west ern asufiurbs, seating 80, quiet; and Ipttmatt atmosphere and! oance noor.

Kins iu 191 w- RESTAURANT, lull licenced. Lelchhsrdt area. Wetl est, seats co*ckull bar, long lease, reasonable Private RESTAURANT. Varv successful Italian restaurant. 8.Y.O.

East cm Suburbs. Good takings. $65,000. Ph. 399 8373, SAL KTATI FirNorth Coast.

2 active real stale -businesses situated coastal resort i rem ron, uc. nwiDif. Reply 23 Fltz ruifrtch Frenchs Forest. 2086. RESTAURANT lie.

seat 50. lOW rent price drastically reaucen for urnent sate, 51 4092. Of SO 494f. RESTAOR'aNT; twin operation, prime location. IS rear least.

240.000. terms. 674 3529. RECEPTION license, air-conditioned, recently reno-vated. suitable for restaurant or dlic JU.7 8337 or S28 4270.

NesrAURANT. St. Gearoe are. Lil. fo 110.

Ideal lor imagine. tive people, wouio suit dhw nf erti In men t. Lono lease. eat rtnt. $66,000, principals only 57 3206 RESTAUHAMT Disco for sale on Taylor" Sq.

Lie. until 3 a.m. In-ouiiyyi7'4710 aft. 3 p.m. Iklimore- Tw.ini tun 60.

ona and courtyard avajl. SI 4 900. Ph, 065 B7 16 4. radiator Workshop, busy area Mascot lor lease. Ring Morvter.

667 4383. REALESTAt6. Position required as assSSite In established north-ern tflStflrt agency, would con- i' MrtMnhin or surchase. For' confidential discussion please. hone 477 1739 during STATE.

INNER WEST. Itv leading fkan valP over 120 properties will consider sell ng searateiv ft- retiring, rnont 949 6125. REAL (STATE. Established office in gVdmlnent main street location; good lease, (H- 32 so. honic.

4 b.r.. study, single level. xlenStW ocan views, top loca tion. Twiege potential, package dearr separate. Phone (075) 36 eItTu ITANT.

Ex restaurant. b.r." res. above, premier posn. Sell let S260 P.w. RESTAURANT vegetarian.

fesy 4 evenings eer Veek; good demand fori ddttfdfikl hours, suit POPie, wXlvV'' $27,000. Vendor vsllabja. 818 "01. Rom' charmlnfl bar 75 seats, lease 3 8. uooa reni, AH SMUItle.

$68,000 Ph, 639 8864. 4196177. RE INT. V.o. TO.

929Y0O0. Tail AM. Full prl 'let BARChklN. Nightt only 6-10. mo nam.

ABO took $7000. Pr me location oi Owner will dear $1000 p. Min. wtth little work. Phone for Inspection.

ACS BJJSINf SS BROKERS P.L. 415,. George Rd, Be. Hills. Morrj-Fri.

370 3001. 570 2133. r.jA H. 522 8278. RESTAURANT.

East Sub. Well located near eltv. restaurant 1iV dnlmie National Trust building, trendy sep- pub style on stritel) bar, dining room for 90. "woino aiso iun ww iMnt "Good kitchen. Very long In Unlimited potential.

WourJrtiilt Oxford Street typ Pice to he negotiated. Carvalho. GlLMOUR SONS. 149 Castlereaoh St. Sydney.

264 M66. a.h. 3S7J676. ftEGI STEERED and Licensed Panel Shop -with mod. "equip, inc.

bus. viclaCTovota 4 WD. Good bus. area W- Tweed Heads, owner going "overseas. Price $25,000.

V. VjtL36 3593f. IAN- Ultimate position on Bondl each, fully Internat. veoeterian tulslne, clientele, taking xcess $2500 p.w., seats 75. fully 2 6 'a-recent Star Award.

Owner moving North, please -make offer. urgent sale. w.l. wo Full training given. 38J 2876.

RESTAURANTS (2). CITV'r Continental and charming. (Cabaret licence to 3 a.m. Seating 1 60. $160,000 S.A.V.

EASTERN With differences Seats 250. Licensed kr ant lu mnn. r.r.orf parking nearby. $175,000 CHEfvflVTs A BUSINESS SALES 29 Newiand St. Bond) Jet, rAAJRAl PackloyWoollahra.

Llc'd with open -fplaces'. cool rm. up 331 XA2. neg. HESTAllRANTCoffee Lounot.

Fast growth western suburbs. Jin intiri. 11 outside. function troom 70 seats. Owner tore a ttp sen ursenvij Jt- Sacrifice at $35,000 o.n.oa Ph.

047 54 2033 after 5 p.m.7Su"t Mop, or Tues. TttrainaiAMT. Prlt. lor. Centrat Coast.

Fully Ik. seat 90 Long leas. Exc. equip, and fitting For more details phone owner on (043) 84 1621 before 3 i RESTAURANT. A unlauo oooor tunlty, to acquire the premier restaurant.

THRl village. I no ui as Oai I24S. REFRH1ERATIOM. Master commercial contracting business. SW.

Sydney. Established 1965. Excellent clientele. 4 vehicles, large JJuack and plant. T.O.

$4SOW5o. Good profit. Price $70,000 neg. Owners wish to rati Replies: FRANCES EGAN AND J. P.O.

Box A54. 45 Sydney South. 2000. aiSLlSUTI AGENCY. Owing to expansion we have 2 offices In Baulkham Hills, our present Office in a premier posi tion laineneiorc ror uie.

ANVIL REALTY 680 22S5. ttEALtSTATE. no capital re- qulredf. lease with option to purchase- freehold. Fullv eaulooed.

old Established wide Princes Mignwav ureai locality. No ofigltion. Phone 523 9389. RESTAURANT for sale In the heart of Parramatta. 150 stater with 3 a.m.

licence. I a roe kit bat area, owh car par mo cmroiiL, ror lunircr detalfa rhQ 633 2034. REAL ESTATE. Old firm, large rent roll, number of branches, run down at present. Offers invited.

OUNHILL, MORGAN. 4 Hunter St, Sydney. if, A 233 3622. REAL EstSte. CAC REI Office, St.

ceorse area. Long esiabiisneo. Owner going Interstate, with or without rent roll. Top position. Plenty of parking, Reply to Herald No.

21413. RESTAURANT. Mid North coast- iown, weii eiiaonsnca indooroutdoor In prime position opposite water. Excel I. least Incl.

atcomm. Sell for faml reasons. Priced to sell, Phone I tubal OD Buza. a RE ST AU RANT. Good'-BOlld "'bust- ness never anecieo oy recession.

This beautifully licensed restau rant In MANLY btachfront taking I Eoicniiai ror expaniion witn eautlful 2 b.r.. ocean view unit above. Lease 5x5 years, low rent, $178,000, Ph. 981 376, ma net can ne arrangto. REAL ISTATI In Eastwood.

Leaaing inaepenaent agency tor over i a years, tquippeo tor team of 6. Low rental. 858 1922 or 634 9 187. RESTAURANT Good lease 3 RESTAURANT and pltxa parlour, oevtriy muis area, gpoa post' Hon. Ph.

799 5199. RESTAURANT, licensed. Central iaeai or parinr. nothing to spend, price nego-t I a I Finance possibly arranged. Private sale.

Phone 043 32 5449. RPSTAlin ASJT In hi rt or It Im. macuiateiy renovated ounaing in popuiou nunier vaurr mn, Saat i 140. Bar. function room Price $67,500 plus takeover AC least, excellent value as elegant fit out cost US 0,000.

Absentee owner regretfully tails. Enormous potential for owner operator. 1982 average weeiciy Tu sbjoo ui management. 062 97 3949, RESTAURANTS FOR SALE. Ftr MOTtLui suggests.

1. LEICHHARDT, homdn Italian B.Y.O.. qualifies tor license. Seating over 80 on 2 levels. Rent only S220 D.w.

Good lease, profitable 6 nights traoe, opening ror lunenn coo. $45,000 W.I.W.O. 2. FREEHOLD. hlttorkal building, lonat city In New England.

Famous And wldalv natron- Ised for steak, game and seafood pctiauim, ions weoi. a.m. He. for 90. lunches.

6 dinners. T.O. over S300.000. Books avail. Sep.

rooms for Intimate parties. Top class prof, equip. Sep. 3 b.r. mod.

residence, Incl. on property. Salt of leasehold viiiy. sou i a oe tDnocrra, $345,000 S.A.V. We can offer a selection of licensed or B.Y.O.

restaurants, lease or freehold, metropolitan wi ivuniir nwn areas. FESZT St MORELLI P.L, Restaurant Brokers. 929 7342. A.H. 411 3005 REAL ESTATE AGENCY.

IOWIR BLUE MOUNTAINS. Modern established Agency Situated In busv exoanHlna Shoo. ping Centre. Member of R.t.l. and EwA.C.

i o. Vendor negotiable. Phone 047) RESTAURANT. tFAVAAH North snore mfns. city, set nwnB owces ana nign rise, main road location, long lease.

suit husband and wile team. i in -up o. Price S1 10.000. Contact John Williams. He-xlerson 4 Dutton P'L.

Business Brokers 50 years. 2 PiM Svdncv. Ph.32 66t1Mpnday-Frl(iay. RE5TAURANT. S58.000.

DAKLJNGHURST AREA. Unique bar restaurant and theatre in good location lor promotion and parking. loaaly vnivriammeni venue. bar 0000 POSSiblft low rent on secure lease. This unique charming restaurant must oe inspected to appreciate.

Ur-. 1n" going ovtr- J. A. nil Mfll ID M. cnua "Casllereagh St.

Sydney. 264 7866. too, SPORTING GOODS. loc.tlon with nitasunllil tun! over. 2 floor, of rttall thaw.

room Wuj offTcw Tin rrSU. SSrilS Incl. ol.nt and 5,1 0. 0 0 0 "(02) 77 4355. t.K.

(02) 929 74J. -fryD Urfltnt Ml dutl olnj ttntre S' J.w. 4 yr. run IUPIRMARKIT. S.ll..'.rv..

Mm. bUI nttl. Larkin profit margin. Mutt atll du to Sinii T.O. $4500.

SS000 p.w. fraahold $117,500 rn" 1745 SAILING TUITION. Well established sailing school Specialising In persona, tuition" Outstay fg position west of tlalGod pronu P0111 890 2406. SHOP, good near eltv location. to Let.

46 3SGS or AAA CMa SPANISH resuurant and plni IM EaiOOd Ph. 692 0587. ISERVIH tTATIDM cm nign volume Slont a. ln western oays, rood, bar. LPG for cars, spare parts, buslnesv air conditioning service.

$80,000 DlUS StOCk anil valuation. Phone riiJ. or week SHOE store 'shoe repairs in the mriTaruir. esr. IB yrt.

SPORTS STORE. Sutherland Shirt, Miut a.A.v. Long est. and well known. Ideal time nam to lake advantage of winter RESTAURANT.

Choice teftc tion of Svdnev metropolitan laurants ranging In price from ro 190.O00. Details held office. DRY CLEANING. 41 AOR. long est.

with commercial and1 rat an clientele, am equipment owned. T.O. $2000 p.w. ROSS McLEAN BUSINESS 8. REAL ESTATE AGENT.

174 WIMarong Rd. Caring bah. Pll0n052S97TT. (SUPERMARKET 5200 SQ.ft. snopping area pius cooi room.

Open S'i days a week, takings over SfiOO.OOO oar annum, tono least and low rent. Parking for eu tars, ror appointment, ring the Manager. 87 5580. SLIMMING CLINIC tn the heart oi Liverpool, tsiaD, a years. nova ciienisiv, urgcni sate, owner aolna nuartost C70 Orin 72G 6173.

SADDLERV and Western wear shop located In busv shopping centre, south of W'dong. Good takings price S.A.V. plus fittings Ph. b. hrs.

(042) 29 4341 e.h. qjat. t) salt. SANDWICH DELI. SANDWICH SHOP.

west. iubs. inousinai area, pnone 6ZZ 6598 between 2 and 3 p.m. Mon. to Frl.

am seapooo rnohrt-rv moo. ran tooo snop in large shopping centre. Good profit fuaranteed. 5'a days p.w. Con-act John, ph.

759 1129 during SPORTS Shop. Wall known long Eiauiriicu tenuis pro inOP, eastern subs. Ph. 389 8469 b.h. or 713 702S a.h.

a SERVICE STATION with Innn lease. T.O. last financial year in excess $900,000. Good workshop trade, located next to one of Sydney's largest, shopping romoltaat In oufap Mttarn suburbs. Top buying at SBO.OOO, w.l.w.o.

Including all stock, plant equipment and also 30,000 litres fuel underground. Phone wow, won. io rn. t) SURFERS PARADISE. unToui Boat Hire Business, unlimited potent.

Bookings from leading HnleJ. Comolava. bla orotlM. Owner gong o'seat. quick sacri fice 120.000 no oners, a.h, (07) 200 8976.

Atia.u rniiDTC LDURTV SSO.UUU, Long lease, tow rent, includes spa, sauna and solarium. 12 COURTS. SI 20,000. spa, sauna, excercise room, pool, long tease, to. SSSOO D.w.

P.P.A. 241 137. I tviarKei vanav. tANbvviCMTMbp. Man iv industrial f.m.

ciose Mono ay to t-rioav. 10 $2500. Price. $39,500. R.

E. BUSSELL, L.B.A., 264 7511, a.h. 94 2121. SERVICE STATION, freehold for lease on highway In Southern auuuro. ous.

ror itmny, aoad math, and twiirnl aitc lots of potential. $25,000 goodwill plus S.A.V. Good lease, low rent, ring a.h. 44 3431. SUPERMARtf IT-CRAPE RIEfi.

No opposnion, sa. aavs. minimum i.o. oow. -Lot oi potential, net i jju.

tiiij k.k. ojo ai a. SELF SERVE '24-hr. Shell site. MB NEWSAGCNCYMIXeO us.

jjo sos oo p.w. price ju.uvu pius rir ana CARD SHOP, nrlme location VAm Prl" S18S.000. CARD SHOP. CltV. t0 Oiiu.uuo p.

price ao.guo. NEW5AGENCY SALES CONSULTANTS PTY. 247 Pacific H'wv. N. Svd.

929 8388. 929 8388. SERVICE STATION FREEHOLD. coaat ontition on ah, way. Must sail dut to III health.

Ideal business for panel beater or matTianic. picniy or potential. Vendor's finance to right person. r.u.A. uenuinet quirles only.

044 71 7201. SUPf RMAStif ST. Si. riava laxinfl i rj.

Hion mark up. rrita 11 PIUS 5.A.V, rn. nvi i oatat. i.n. au Jj), SUPERIOR take away outlet, de1 ugnitui apoi, pioosa area, overlooking river, has cruise boat contract, tod dais anoo ana nt Mi.

UkiiiA 140.00fl a. S4 5.000 olui f.a.v. Somr laasa. rent only $68,000 n.w. Vic tagtes P.L..

P.O. Box 77.j Yandlna, 4561. (071) 46 7755' II IWOT. SANDWICH Shop Ultimo, n. anu w.

pit 1 1 sjuu r.Yi, 5 Days, 6 a.m.-2.30 p.m. Long Lease, Cheap Rent. Price $24,000 5.A.V. Contact John Williams. Henderson Dutton PL, Buslne Brokers 50 years, 92 Pitt Sydney.

Ph. 232 6611 Monday-Friday. SWIMMINO POOL and spa company manufacturing Inground pre-fsbrlcated kits. Factory rli-bant, market Australasia, could oe atsiriDutta tnrougn retail outlets, capacity weekly 20 BOO a nri anaa. ur I S172.0M PtIv.

07) 343 8560, bus. 20M 30aa sports STORE. Well established Buiinm in pnme area, large, irwf, gug LurilVTBl II It IV DPDDI Stlon. S47.SOO plus S.A.V. Bailey Gough R.E., 99 Prince St, raftoj.

066 42 2722. A.H SERVICE STATION, freehold, ening lou.uuu nr. per mth. Rm. ror Improvement, $210,000 plus stock and plant.

SERVICE STATION. L.W.. trade 6 days, pross orofit p.m., price VASIL BROS7 BELMORf PL, 78 5656. 78 BS72. a Kfi MK1 PT twta.ion, gooo Taxings, Ideal for husband and wife.

Price $38,000. Phono S2S 3084 after SERVICE Station with panel beat' (Tin worKsnoo. aiso auto, amc trRlan, In Arncllffe, S'i days, great steady business, good return on your money. $40,000 olus s.a.v. in 9QRT SUB Newsagency.

Eastern area. ige. shop, nrwMBeiicv oniy. i bedrm. flat above, good takings, StOCk SANDWICH CTRAIRUT strktiy 5 days.

S35.000 plus a S'i days MILK BAR In main rapicay arowing Turnover, juperbly fitted, lease till 1998. MAB WOOD REAL ESTATE. Macquarfe St. Parnmatta. 633 S599.

A.H. 663 2151 SHOP. Kclivvtlta. fVr-mlv-." ung as roy bhop. self ol flttlcgs mnvivt aiw-n at 4t.a10 SECONDHAND CLOTHING SHOP.

rairneio area. Good position Cheap rent, Good turnovei 6 0 0 0. 609 1356 S.H. Sports sfcopT Prime location. hiiis area, pitting plus s.a.v Phone 680 1586, a.h K7 a SANDWICHES Hamburgers.

tuceiinru least now i. Rent S69 p.w. T.O. S900 D.w. Urgent sale.

$13,750 plus Ph. 90 4594. a.h. 449 6459. SHOE STORE.

Well-established. laeanv located in busv centre. Excellent lease. Suitable tor ramuy business. Ph, Mr.

Evans, l. j. HOUiytR. SMASH REPAIRS. Fully licensed ang cquippea.

inciuaing new Morwood Sorsy Booth. Low overheads with amp) storage uwn ci itf i a. id.uuu na. rvninurst, jbus. SPORTS STORED top Eastern uDuros centre, near monopoly, reasonable rent, secure tenancy.

Forrarf ul trtu tn III health. $40,000 or best offer. Phone SPANISH restaurant and pliza Good take-away, priced to sell, lit VICC STN. SBO.OOO o.n inci. stocit and plant.

Must sen. Freehold, largo w'ahoo and snowroom on aero tano ana 2bedroom residence. Ph. 068) 4312 M1B5. SANDWICH Hot food.

days, wnn oearm. resinence. NO DELIVERIES, Net profit $1000 oar amir vears lease, reasonable rtnt. A. Z.

PERRY ft SONS. 153 Klnq St. Newtown. 1 1 JQii. 3 aCJ W9atl.

SELP SERVICE price vacil none iriuA tan 78 5656. 78 SUPERMARKET. NortKern' BUDUTDS. OU a It OhtMMirhlV14 well equlpotd. long lease.

Want and equipment Included In the irouito to at at. QUO PIUS m.m.w. riiwna m.ll. ooa OJK. STRATHFIELD AREA.

Real Es ta uince. iuparo position. tmri. nxiurn ana nitings. Smsif rtnt roll.

Owner will consider partner. All Inquiries con- Tiarntiai. Keoiy to P.O. box 177. Enfield 2136.

STOCK AND STATION. R.E. A fit NT. LUCIOENHAN. Low rent, msall rent.

roll. furn. office. 2 phone lines, 2 zway radio unit, can lease 4 WD. TOYOTA DIESEL S.WAGDN LAN0CRU1SER.

Price neo. Ph. 047 73 4138. a.n. man oi7i, st lp serve, general store, gifts ana touvemrs.

tieasenoiaj, bedroom flat ahovo. Excellent views fori ano oav in Dermagiii, too flshlno and tourUt rmwtt. South Coast of N.S.W. Excellent figures avanaoie. price plus s.A.V.

Owner retiring, Phona 0G4Q. 3 4238. SUPERMARKET. Cent. West.

city. Here is your cnanct to escape the city rate race, a well established, lucrative business, geographically protected, in a hrlwlnn -ltw. Trading 7 days for a S'asm. turnover. Ideal for a family man or two families.

The alr-condl-tioned building Is mostly new, extra well equipped. Cool room with front service. 46f of freai- ers. 13 refrigerated doors. 3 electronic registers, plus much more.

Large new stOreoom, fully 1 1 iiea. reserve freezers, etc. ut-flce and other rooms. A 2-storev house on adjoining block plus large Old Shod and bio vartf area. Shoo carries full range of groceries.

onio. i i annus, subnewsagent, fruit and vegs. etc. Owners wish to retire and will nance at 10 p.c. interest.

Phone Manager 063 62 3326, all hrs coMptm; 9 SQUASH 1 SQUASH COURT SALES. LEASE. S33.000. antral roast antra with plenty of club teams. Large room suitable for exercise Classes, o.r.

residence. FREEHOLD. S1S0.000, Countrv centra). 4 courts en 2acs of land, largo provincial, week. Excellent for semi -retirement lifestyle.

Contact John Stevens for details of these properties and free advice on the squash and leisure Industry, the Industry which Is Sim growmu. COMPLETE REAL ESTATE P. II, 40 Aioerr Mratniieio. 763 1733. A.H.

76 7540. SELF SERVICE PRUIT BARN. Laroa moo am nramuaa. in oro. sperous north west town.

Con tains cooi room, uprignt Triage, latest cash reo later and flttlnas fullv Sir cond. TO. $150,000 to $200,000 p.a. Long lease avail an i e. price or terms on S1S.000 dep.

Ph. 067 IM ALL MACHINE shoo, turnlno. fitting, welding, some work on nana. win consiarr iae. 43 367S b.h..

412 4490 a.h. SANDWICH Takaawav Pood. oays. taxing soooo pw. aig prom.

MIXED BUSINESS Sandwich, 6 days, takings $2500. SIS.OOO. TAKEAWAY Sandwich, davi. 7ft0 w.

DELICATESSEN Sandwich, 5'i days, takings $4000 p.w. CHICKEN Shoo. 3's days, takings $2500, $35,000. CHICKEN Shoo and amall goods. 5 days, takings $5000 P.W.

tBJ.UUU. DELICATESSEN. Sandwich, tan i np suuu p.w. a.i,uwu. 5ELP SERVICE GrOCtry, WEARManchtsttr, Western One of the best.

Paid stocked. Long Sole Agent. WORLD REAL ESTATE, 36 Enmort Rd, Newtown, SI 1660 and 1 aaQO anor in Hyoe complex, new centre court area, best position In complex, beautifully fitted out for fashion, B0 S314 bus. CARAVAN PARK. In N.S.W within 50 mne radius from yo uooo capital saint po tential.

665 0102. HAI RDRESSI NG SALON 10 ouy, rn, 51 3156. H6TEL wantad. fraahold. Tn'af'.

iwr new unit pius wmw, in -orrs naroour area, affj. adjustment, (066) aa 101 anytime. IMMEDIATE funds available purchase, business Involvad manufacturing of foot) lines, 928 "46M. LOCKSMITH Well nt.blished builnes, ra-l aplred within 15km. radiu, "5 SiniS; Mu" Profit.

T. M. FOSTIR Chartered Auountanta. 39 York it, Sytln.v. marina OR MOTEL (toastall preierradl.

price to $400,000. "Oe 4 b.r. brick home and Xithi Cmp. balance. Must be prcivun business show-jfo reasoivible return.

Ring (02) PtST CONTROl. We are Interested m. mu.iiii, a.maii.nea pest contro i businesses In the Sydney reolies strictly confidential: rws, rty 52, 5377. PRINTING, Instant or small corn- western suburbs. 'Principals only, purchase.

Phone TAXI-LEASE wantad auouroa piaies. tx- TAXI plates retjuired with or wnnvut car. experienced opera-E60fl117P mnVf- Ph0n BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN EASY TO RUN old time pnwiourapnic stuaio. Fully equipped, can be re-located any. where In Australia.

High margins. See operating. Best offer, consider vendor part finance. 977 1826. a ADVERTISING, phone Forum Is1 unique, ic si on or near tne telephone, Is eye-catching and has several market applications.

We need uselul people- to profit share with us to maximise impact on Australian market. You pay $30,000 for exclusive rights to specific area. You do most of the work for most of the income (minimum return 260 per cent). We can provide professional sales and management assistance. PHONE FORUM AUST.) P.fL..

1 National St, Roiello. 2039. (02) 818 3019. ARCHITECT raaulrrrf in range oi nrst Class homes tori battlers. Negotiable terms.

Inquiries with experience and oacKgrouna details to akhs l.a. i. Ktw i wriuuu AMUsem*nT machines. good iuc ror io i viaeo games. Ph.

fOlGl 25 7517. AMUsem*nT Machine on good ei.ure skc, juu. pnone uoug 1 p-w- ayanamc, saa oojj iki oar. ners to establish publishing Co, AGENTS required for a unique uo-it-yoursen waterproofing membrane for the reoalr ol waterl tanks, rools etc. It is being used extensively throughout Western Musirana- very nttie capital re-quired.

For lull details write to: The Manager, P.O. Box 192, ADDITIONAL Inroma. uaoies ano men you can com aiuu rcn rrom giax-irto ohotooranhs onto bMntlful porcelain plates. Total cost of COMPLETE BUSINESS KIT In-, ituoi'u a prtaoie giatlng machine Is only Finance available to approved' buyers. Full Instructions on how to do the giatlng and run the business are provided.

Suitable as a part or full time operation. Phone 233 8781 or call rum CLAIM IMACjES. BUSINESS Aflcnt with current lie eilCV. WAnIii Inr nnn.uMriii.r. ro'e In new venture.

Reply Box BUSINESS Opportunities. jwn your own ousincss in the very profitable Home Security area. Entails Installing a new type of security grille to windows and doors, no welding necessary or previous experience required. Ideal for handyman or slmlllar virtually no overheads, genuinely profitable and plenty of work, Minimum outlay required to get Involved In the boom security Industry, Immediate start and profit to right person. Tel.

923 2116. CAR DETAILING. Working from your home. comolete Inventory and setup costs only S2999. Tidy Car.

the world's leadinci auto appearance specialists, are; renowned lor superior product I ano services. Tidy Car quality car detailing services are in nign a em ana dvj dustrv. Investigate this opportunity In home, write or pnone lor oonga' tion-free brochure. TIDY CAR (AUST.) PTY. 174 Harbord Road.

Brookvale. (02) 938 5800. CARRIER reauireti, All Svdnev metro area, uaiiv iickup ano delivery oasis, wouio need to have 2-3 radio on- trolled vehicles with courteous and elllctent services. All interested parties, please contact 516 5596. CASH FLOW BUSINESS.

Kesu ren in txenanae for new LUXURIOUS Penthouse Units on beachfront to Sunshine coast. Written THE ADVERTISER. 393 Oxford St. Paddtngton. Phnn 1466.

fl CB AND AUDIO SERVICE. Est LV yrs. veiling goaawui ana stock for 512.500. This is practically stock cost. Suit tec.

or co. already servicing this In dustry. Phone 498 2300 bus. DO van have honettv and Inteflrltv. tne amiuy io wor naro.

me desire to ao Into bus ness and a1 tittle capital available? We have several American businesses available now in sates marketing. manufacturing, service inousines, nn "oat rich aulek" cheme all require hard work. No time wasters please, only genuine people pnone 439 aasa, ant 35fl DISTRIBUTOR Aocnt In Sydney; metropolitan areas wan tea ers to Dry Cleaners. Storage areas and truck required. Suit small distributor wanting extra wont, outlay noi essen-ti MARVAL INDUSTRIES.

P.O. Box EXCLUSIVE distribution house hold security, tne ousiness witn a guaranteed future. Must have storage and light assembly area. Ingoing $25,000. Telephone 71 1 18.10.

EARN more than Interest 'by In vesting in a JOINT VENTURE, For details ph. 688 1494. EXCITING and very profitable ousiness opportunities now avail-a hi a Irom our American oort- folio. No "get rich schemes, all require hard work and a nttie capital, ranging trom $3,000 to $250,000. 981 5358 for appointment.

FISH-FRESH AND COOKED. Brand new snooping centre near Fairfield, opening May. 19B3. with Franklins. tavern.

TAB. medical suites and 20 other shoos, has a vacancy for a top! onerator to ooen a fresh and cooked fish ihop. Level parking for 260 cars. Directly ooo. 1200 pupil nign scnooi.

ror tunner information ring van i4sa o.n 95 4896 a.h. FURNITURE LIQUIDATION a ALB. Offers Invited for th purchase of substantial stocks of Imported high quality solid brass beds and laDies. mna icainer wprruisicrvu lounges and chairs. Offers will be considered tor me wnoie or part of stocks.

Telephone enquiries (042) 29 6894- Of a.h. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MAR. RET. srano new snapping ceniri at Greenfield Park, near Fairfield, fca a vatanev for a too cla- 6000 so. ft.

fruit and vegetable market, loin Franklins, T.A.B. tavern and 20 other shops In this fully air-conditioned shopping centre. Parking for 260 cars. Opposite 1 200 Pupil high school. For further Information, ring 958 1486 b.h.

or 95 4896 a.n. FORMATION of new marketing tooo supplement ream. tarn hundreds of dollars outside of your normal ion. inn around floor oooortunitv men and women to receive training aosoiuteiv tree vmn i new marketing concept. No experience is necessary, no canvassing.

Call 326 107. 1 ROUND Floor ODoortunlrv. Nu io us too a Dtvcngv on-trlbutlon, tow In going, no in- vrmory. ms poiennai. wymn, Interstate also Phone (02) 30V i anyiKn.

Daoyswtar ano nursery acctss ones. Established over 10 years. Would have to be one of thi oess on tne coast. Turnover exceeds $52,000 and Improving even through the recession. No dlrarfr nanoklllan.

AiuiiiIi, reason or selling. $16,500 jHuil w. pvrwuirnaniy Phona OT1 S41S. SAND least. White aanl and white easy ano sandstone, aiso ancillary equipment.

4x4 line-ten washing plant, 73KVA generating plant, dry Screening plant. Plat Malllt 2 yd. crawler loader, Michigan rubber-tyred loader. Loadstar Inter, bogie tipper. Dragline.

Low loader, 21 ton isutu tipper, rinanct avail. Ph. 045 79 606 S. ay SUPERMARKET. Yinnn p.w.

Net profit around S5700. only 7kms from G.P.O. No competition, noI' $150,000 to $250,000. A genuine vendor. Books avail.

Contact Harry Os- A G'UrlOUR ft SONS. 1r49 Castlertaflh St. Svdnav. 204 7866. 264 7866.

SANDWICH Tiki Auw "000, to FRUIT Marktt d. It Net attprox. SSOO p.w. Gr.t POtMtlil. $50,000 Wu, JANDIWICrl Tak, Awi, Sa Tak.i over 12000.

teaul. MoVri. H'J An trial. CABROLL A ASSOM. Tteniwortnvllla.

631 4444. 1 SIRVICI sutlon clalltt. 4tnf ii.c I n. $35,000 S.A.V. tnllTUIBU tJfkV? sood rhanlnri atVuss SERVICI STN.

J6S.00O 1A.V. Wall Irw.tawt a mechanical tor irucK un by manager, loni TERRIFIC POTENTIAL? least. SERVICE STN. $95,000 S.A.V. EASTERN SUBURBS.

location, no opposition, high mechanical turnover, no discounting, mod. self service, long lease. Cash buyer for freehold, test- tact "iy A. GlLMOUR SONS, Castlereagh St, Sydney. 264 7666.

264 7afifl SERVICE STATIONS. nortm tHnnr Wetl cstab. SELF SERVE on prominent hwy. posit. 16S.000 ii.

p.m. iaf. UVtK 1M. P.A, Owner rettr. F.P.

S62.000 A V. EASTERN SUBURBS Moaern Sell-serve on maior rd. B'Q mech. repairs, see, Spot-' Present. Trading figs.

Clears F.P. S.A.V. COUNTRY FREEHOLD Busv area with re' taur. TAF. 2 b.r.

resld. T.O. SS24.000 p.a. Big potent, lor F.P. $156,000 A.V.

MANY OTHERS AVAIL. Both city and cojutry sites. Finance ii. iui approvea Buyers. COLONIAL BUSINESS BROKERS, 205 Lakamba St.

Lakemba. MON. -FRIDAY. 750 0799. dug.

A.n. OJa abatB. SANDWICH 'dell. NETS 5530 p.w. Nth.

Shore. Excellent location 5 days only. Run by One and JUST S2S.000. WRIGHT PROPERTIES 370 Victoria Ave. Chat wood.

411 5441, A.H. 90 7449. TAKE-AWAY chips etc. Refer my ad Bus. Oops.

587 4790. TAXI, very good 9 mths. rt JiriCtlO. S5Z.SOO. 66S 261.

TAXI. unrestricted, $49,000. 52261 44m hiths. reg. TAXI.

St. George, unrestricted pistes. $50,950. Good condition. Ph.

599 S910. TAKe-AWAY Coffee shop, mixed uuinu, at oeorm. residence taklno aporox. 13500 nc TOYS. SPORTS.

Campbetltown. sales approaching $250,000 p.a.1 f'tta $34,000 plus stock. Phone tO JOf- D.H. 25 7580 TAKE AWAY food plus BBO violplvt, iii ytiminq suao TYPESETTING Business. T7T6.

siiooog p.a. Owners going vvcrxr). JO.uuu o.n in-f udes 27.000 nlant 4M 1iiH7 TWEED HEADS, General Store. mw.uuu. rnce aou.uuu (068) 76 91Q4.

ITAKE awav food shoo, suitable uiin twosing. must sell OUC TO Illness good porentlal. new1 eouipment. anv rciionAbie offer TR'ICK with work, very cheap. TAXI 73 Falcon, unrestricted H.i.i.

Haioa meter. 49.soo. TAKE-AWAY. Mlxr-rt Business, For quick sai. si 3.000 puis siocr.

King u4o zt 4U74 wen os Or 74S 4179. TAKE Away Food, lock up. In the nears or snopping centre, days. 9.30 a.m. to 10 P.m.

Takings S3S00 p.w. $30,000. Ph. 519 5084. TRUCK a $70.000.

TRANSPORT COMPANY running ayaney-Newcastle. Long cstao. client el. For particulars phone 1043) 10B7. t) TAKEAWAY Lock Up.

near Cam- Ph. (046) 46 1652. TRANSPORT business, sole co. Earning in excess or sso.orjg p.a. Good clientele.

Tax figures avail. Incl. 6 wheeler t. truck and doo trlr. Price.

$27,000. 661 6B54. TAXI. Falcon 81. too 7 reg.

unrestricieo. SS6.000. 662 446S. TAXI unrestricted, factory air conaitioneo. pr rmtj Sun.

560 S374. TIPPER with contract worttlng metrop. area oniy, earning $150CJ P.w. aiMriuM, rruuu at 91 Bovle St. Sutherland.

542 3111. A.H. 520 3811. TAKE-AWAY with residence. t.O.

S35QO. price tkiis R.E. 638 421S. TAKE -AWAY COFFEE LOUNGE, 7 oays witn rcsiaence, i.o. minimum 7nftn Too oasltlon.

Price not negotiable. $85,000. TAKE-AWAY and SANDWICH witn resiaence. i.o. uv p.w.

Long lease, good rent. Potential to Increase. $39,000. Urgent saie. ELLIS h.e.

ije TRUCK, Mack prime mow with 6 0,0 0 0. P.O. A. Phono, 55 6159. TOY SHOP.

Good complex tn HUH oistricx. urgent sai, urriiiri committed to venture. T.O. In excess of $130,000 p.a. SUUU17 1.

1 Ft piua rn. 639 4993 bus. shoo In bio shopping complex. expanding western subs. area.

chins hha thlrkent. drinks, hamburgers, and much more, uniimitea po- ulal anrf varv hloh omfltl. HO $8000 9000 pw. Phone peter, bzi 494 mom or out. 649 0161, ext.

232. TOYS AND SPORTS, Parramatta, ness. suit husband and wife team, pius s.a.v. a p. prox.

S35.O00-40.0OO. Pn, 635 95S1. a.h. 64 3293. suit Ii, TAXI.

Why sell when you can nave a gooa weexiv income, ex-ownar oraoared to oav oood rate for lease on unrestricted or western suouroa pistes. 798 4218. TAKEAWAY food-salad-bar, rtean or city. Taxing p.w. Lease 2 years months.

S20.000. Tel. after 4 D.rti. 55 7993. a TILE and Wallpaper Shop, Rose oav.

urgent saie. uive away. $10,000 W.I.W.O. Includes all stock. F.

F. City Brokers P.L.. 454 Princes Highway, R'dale, 597 101 eeo 6T7i. a. TAKEAWAY FOOD.

St. Georoe area. Large moo. spac. ana ruiry wjippio, iorai n.

am w. iiim, btg potential for Improvement. 6 Rlna Mon. 427 3348. 427 1766.

w. hav. for 2 NZ machine, with no known oudoX "rS. orodcts. have the ab.Hlv Io r.lurn of S2bO.000 in a very short period ol time.

Cash required S1 5,000 Prone Mr Mallovon (07) 229 2306 OWNER-DRIVERDISTRIBUTOR (Unique and exclusive Frosen Foods.) The Company Is involved in or frozen tooo prooucts. uue to our expansion program tne romoanv requires comoetant oerioni tn raorasant tha lines with drive and initiative. The successful applicant can expect to earn In excess ol $30,000 p.a. on one line alone. Assistance in representation given, minimum income and territory resale assured.

Only a tew, territories left to license for a small goodwill consideration or for' no ounav suoject to crcon racing, I (TOO industry ana nav nnanciai inucpvnacntv Applications to Otto Sickenger, Quik Foods Processing Pty. Ltd. 2000 Victoria Street. POTTS POINT. N.S.W.

2011. Telephone 356 3S99. Areas available are the region surrounding: Tamwnrth Hav II dura Brnkion Hill ramohatltawn Fair held, Penrith, Hornsbv, Goslord, Newcastle, Chatswood and narraoecn. position. Lottery aaent.

S20.ono olui SAV 1 POSt-offica Bon? trnno TOYSHOP, over 2000 so. feet. iioyworia crancnise. Situated in new. modern, air-conditioned complex in large growing Upper Hunter Town, No opposition.

S30.000 plus S.A.V. Lono Lease. i TAXIS. Qulrindi Taxi Service. 41 mis.

irom Tamwortn. 2 complete units, guaranteed income. No Opposition. Priced at 566,000. Tel.

(067) 4S 1647. TAXI. Unrestricted Combined. 77 i-oro. 5 mi hi.

reg. 799 1807. TAXIS: Finance avaiiaoie for the pur- ALFRED MOSS 1 INVESTMENTS PTY. 154 Castlereagh Street. Phona 2 fid 115 25.

a TAXI: North Coast Town. Local worx. ana uovt. contracts. Imivuu inci.

car. COASTLINE REAL ESTATE, 31 Bowra St. Nambucca Heads. Tel. (065) 68 65S5.

A.H. (06S) 68 6137. A.H. fOK) fiR RTAft. TAXI, Holden Kingswood.

2 way ana aase. S.OOO. pn. 1065 68 THE TRANSPORT i tonne; i i i ur, io aouu p.w. Local.

WGONG WITH CONTRACT, ALL BENEFITS EARN to S15O0 p.w. ACCO TOP. Local only, Guarantee SI 000 p.w. Pantec 19B2. Western Subs.

Earn to S790 p.w. Freezer Pan. ACT and N'ctle. Earn to $780 p.w. SIMPSON.

WOOD A ASSOC. 95 Bovle St. Sutherland. S42 A TAKE-AWAY Food and Milt Bar ai snoainaven neaos, nr. surr ano pooi.

urgent wie. suit Dus. couple. S9800 W.I.W.O. Ph, f0d4) 4B 7617.

TAXI for sale. Port Macquarle. piease ring tubsj as 3513. Sound hut I ne. TAXI, XD Falcon, alr-cond.

L.P. Lais. low Km. mater, raa o. rn.oft.

S3 OOn fOfifil At fine; tahi. unresTrictea. good- H.S L. 551.000. NO Offers.

Ph. 7S7 IHOJ -m ItKn a TAXI. Unrestricted, good car, R.s.L. no offers, 787 1802. a.h.

524 4560. UPPIR North Shore restaurant ror sale, seats 130. separate oar. wen rureo Kitcnen, io year laatc naa dm. aid inis UNOCRROAD BORING wt! witn SIADie V.orK Borlnn roacis ano arivewavs tor natural n.1 main now tj-lng laid In Curt-bcrra.

Consisting of MKZ0 irencning witn next-borer attachment. Tandem trailer, hand borer, roris. reamcfj. tools etc. Phone James 062 88 3430.

UNISEX Hair Salon, good area, Plenty parking, rey. menu. Suit 1 or 2 people wlawlshlug to have good profits, little outtav. S6500. Rent only $70, long nit.

p.n. yjo USED CAR YARD. 5UN5MINS COA5 Unique opportunity to purchase a Used Car Yard as a going concern, centrally situated, busy thoroughfare on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Good lease or freehold available. Details contact principal, phone (071) 43 1163 or a.h.

(071) 44 3639. VIDEO And computer centre. Ca ur ao unoer mis classification; ror tompuier ano video centre. 922 5966. WINDOW cleaning, gardening run.

ground work. S5000 per year. Good potential. $1300. 477 JS27 WORKING nartner rraulrcd for caravan parte, iorrs naroour area, exceuem figures avaiiaoie.

room tor expansion, caoltal required $210,000 for half share. 534277 partlculari Dn (086) WRECKING YARD, BROOK- vaie. Aira Romeo, suit tradesman, act. 34 vrt Ctni-lr $200,000. All rent $260: p.w., icase yrs.

wrwo. $48,000. MANNING MOTORS. 939 2069. WEDDING RECEPTION Lounoe.

ong estao. ousiness, snowing George area, lease andor freehold. Principals only please. No phone details. For appt.

prone 371 9845 from Sunday. WELL established Real Estate Agency, prime position on Qid. Sunshine Coast with load, of parking facilities. Not far from Brisbane should trip be necessary. 3 year teste and no reason to suppose that this could not be extended.

Qid. licence would need to be obtained. One person will be available It required for 2 weeks at no cost to new owner. Interested parties contact P.O. Box 14 Bridle island or, ring STD075-46 7388 or 48 7972 or after hours an 777i.

pr e.n.o. WOOLHABY. shop low N. snore. S7000 pius s.a.v, Ot aft.

7 a.m. at WOLLONGONO. Manufacturing Business, serving tne tour'st, holiday and home Industry. Fla- ures up In last 6 mths. Good factory and Showroom.

Modern mar hi nary. reaular tllnntnla. Good T.O. and olentv of out standing orders. High cashflow.

price pius s.a.v. AITCHESON RP.AL ESTATE, 335 Crown Wollongong. Pn. (042 2ft 3244. a.h.

S4 2207. WALLPAPER SHOP, Lower North snore area, great potential. Hino 428 4214 Sat. afternoon and all oay sun, ror oeiaus. BUSINESSES WANTED ANY North Shore BusliiVs.

nTt, tiny minimum sauu P.w. prmc, only. Phillip Chown P.L., Lane Cove. 427 2965. After hrs.

juu. ARE you selling your business ana in in mbdm or vnur stock. We. are cash buyers of mens, isoies ana names wear, manchester, stationery, haber- ininrrr, ivya, apvriinu noons, giftware, etc. No stock too large er too smalt.

Ring 419 4169 no eix ror jiiti ro. BOTTLE SHOP, freehold, private USINESS BROKERS 80 YEARS. Nortn snore, tuy, sast. suds. HENDERSON DUTTON 97 Pitt ttraat.

tvrtnav. Phone 232 6611. Mon. to Frl. CARAVAN PARhTTa S3SO.O0O genuine casn ouver, riease write oeiaus io nuyer.

aiwa ton damine 2093. CALL NORTHSIDE BROKERS. 33 pen in ur st wiiiougnoy. PH. 406 4866.

a.h. 888 3297. CLE AN (NO and maintenance units, common areas. orom around S600 wkly. 750 4608.

SPORTING INVESTMENT. CXC'uaive available for exciting and proven advertising concept at contracted sporting outlets throughout N.S.W. Anticipated to. in excess Of $1 million p.a. with high profit margin.

Further details telephone 452 2067 weekdays. suit video, antique or any other proposition. Phone B.H. 533 1616. A.H.

S22 4346. SPA POOLS. Manufacture your own spa pools, your chance to enter an expanding held. Four designs. S7000.

Urgent sale. Phone 7B9 5471. SPRAY PAINTER required with own premises ana equipment, spray light fittings. Enough work for 1 man days a week. Should It be necessary, we are prepared to finance setting up costs for the right person, Phone 693 271 6 or 399 7639 a.h.

SALES EXECUTIVE. wen esiamsneo company in votved In sea freight offers lucrative opportunity for salespersons to become self employ ed. Experience In the freight Industry Is not essential but may be an advantage. The company will provide product training and continuing backup. For further please call 235 295B.

SPORT1NO GOODS: unnnn rv to nam norr- Ing Goods store tn a brand new shopping ct-ntre at Fairfield Park, west of Fairfield. Centre contains Franklins, tavern. TAB ano 20 orner snops. Directly op-bmIto 1 200 Bunll hloh afhool guaranteeing a oood market. For Tunner inrormaiion rmg vso iaooi p.n.

or ao aoo a.n, START vour own business selling snowoags at metropolitan ano country shows. 30,000 bags, stand and business name for sale. Will assist purchaser! S5000. Phone 726 B960. SECURITY.

Ba ntur. k. Have a very good Income, work iua tuuT i no (rvneiua or sue cess. American businaia start, ups some established 20 years In SO countrias Nnw auallmhl Australia. Not franchises, no "get.

require a little capital and lotsj wi naro wotk. vanea types Sales, iianuiai.iuriiB, aer- vice Industries. Phone 961 5356, TAKE-A WAY chips etc. Unique" 1 Superb flavour and compact slie. rww in anrwnere.

layas. Rent Of buy. Phone 587 4790, TEXTILE BRAIDING, shoe and bootlaces, flat and round, ov- lama and swimming costume1 iviu equipment ano SIOCK. S6000 o.n.o. 516 1766.

TAKE-AWAY FOODS. New Shoo. ping Centre near Fairfield with adjoining Tavern Liquor Bam has shop aval lebte for 7 day trading opposite High School. Join Franklins. TAB and 20 other shops, level parking for cars, ror tunner inrorme Tion can 958 ibb o.n.

95 4896 a.h. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY. Because of new company structure, parent company wishes to sell Its distribution ngnts ror us reg. t. m.

BroduCtt. Would suit retired or semi retired person (s). Little worK ana no selling invofveo. Capital outlay $20,000 returning aoorox. S3 5.000 oer vear.

Interested parties to ring Mr jonnstone on Jato ma. WMV not have vour own oart- lime nirv company, ine equip ment nas oeen proven to oe wen used th'out the metrooolitan area. Need small advertising in local papers, oniy io acnieve good returns. Utility is all quired ror transport, plus S2000 spares. 872 1099 a.p.

for furtner oetaus. UAH AGE). Wa are successful Malbouma bitad Houta-waresCookwara Importer and Distributor looking for additional salaa In tha N.S.W. and Matro and Country araas only. Major custom eumsntty eovarad from Mtl- bouma, howavar, aftar a qualifying parformanoa period this could ba aarvicad from Sydnay.

Immedlata raquirsmants: Open New Accounts. Imaginative Marketing. Serious Aggressive Market Share Philosophy. Increase our Business in N.S.W. We will pay an above average commission for the.

right Operator. Please reply in writing oo M. 19072 M. Herald. UNIQUE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY If you are enthusiastic, with adequate capital and have a burning desire to sue ceed together with a batic knowledge of the roofingbuilding industry, you could be running your own highly profitable business, instead of working for a boss.

THE ROOFING PROFESSIONALS PTY. LIMITED are now firmly established as one of Sydney's most successful roofing contractors. You can be part of this success story by ringing: Mr McGesvsr, The Roofing Professionals Pty. Limited 73 Kingsway Kingsgrove Telephone: 502 1244 Business Hours 5284568 After Hours.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

Is The Sydney Morning Herald conservative or progressive? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is Sydney Morning Herald known for? ›

The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism as Australia's number one news brand, whilst generating high-quality and informed opinions and debates to help readers make up their own minds.

What is the major newspaper in Sydney Australia? ›

The two main Sydney newspapers are The Sydney Morning Herald, which was founded in 1831, and The Daily Telegraph, founded in 1879.

Is the Sun Herald and The Sydney Morning Herald the same? ›

The Sun-Herald is an Australian newspaper published in tabloid or compact format on Sundays in Sydney by Nine Entertainment. It is the Sunday counterpart of the Sydney Morning Herald.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

What kind of newspaper is the Herald? ›

The Herald is a Scottish broadsheet newspaper founded in 1783. The Herald is the longest running national newspaper in the world and is the eighth oldest daily paper in the world.

What is the most reputable newspaper in Australia? ›

Top Australian Newspapers
  • The West Australian ...
  • The Age ...
  • The Advertiser ...
  • The Australian ...
  • The Australian Financial Review ...
  • The Herald ...
  • External links:

What is the highest selling newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia. Based in one of the country's two major cities, Melbourne, it is the result of the amalgamation of the original Sun and Herald newspapers.

Is the sun left wing or right? ›

Tabloid newspapers
TitleDays of publicationPolitical orientation
The SunDailyRight-wing
The Sun on SundaySundays
Daily MailDaily
The Mail on SundaySundays
8 more rows

Who reads The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

How old is Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Founded in 1831 as the Sydney Herald, the Herald is the oldest continuously published newspaper in Australia and claims to be the most widely-read masthead in the country.

What is the cost of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The weekday editions cost $2.50. That compares to $4 for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age and $4 for The Australian. News Corp is one of a number of local media companies facing broader financial pressure from rising costs that have coincided with a weaker advertising market.

What are the conservative newspapers in Australia? ›

Two national newspapers in Australia, The Australian and The Australian Financial Review, take a conservative stance.

How popular is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

Is the New York Sun a conservative newspaper? ›

The New York Sun is an American conservative news website and former newspaper based in Manhattan, New York.

Is the Boston Herald a liberal or conservative newspaper? ›

Boston Herald
Cover from February 3, 2013
EditorJoe Dwinell
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters100 Grossman Dr. 4th Floor Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 United States
9 more rows

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.