Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (2024)


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  • This page displays the errata updates for Fallout: The Roleplaying Game and its supplementary material, such as Winter of Atom. The errata update files are posted for free on Modiphius's website for Fallout 2d20.


    • 1 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game
      • 1.1 Changes 8th April 2021
      • 1.2 Changes 6th April 2022
      • 1.3 Changes 6 th September 2022
      • 1.4 Changes Q2 2024
    • 2 Winter of Atom
    • 3 Rust Devils NPC Pack
    • 4 Settler's Guide Book
    • 5 Wanderer's Guide Book
    • 6 Reilly's Rangers NPC Pack
    • 7 External links

    Fallout: The Roleplaying Game[]

    Changes 8th April 2021[]

    • Missing page references completed throughout.
    • p.60: "Each time you take this perk, the level requirement increases by 4." added to the Armorer perk text.
    • p.65: The Gun Nut perk has 4 ranks, not 3.
    • p.78: The Super Mutant Skirmisher can no longer choose a raider armor headpiece, as it does not exist.
    • p.100: Shielded Barrel mod has been added to the Small Gun Mods table, under Barrel Mods.
    • p.100: Magazine mods have been added to the Small Gun Mods table.
    • p.195: The page reference to randomly generating locations now correctly references the Gamemaster's Toolkit.
    • p.216–217: The beverage items listed no longer repeat 3 times.
    • p.255: The Room Encounters and Wacky Wasteland Tables now correctly list "1d20 Result" in the header.
    • p.342: The Deathclaw's health points have been increased to 31, and its Defense lowered to 1.

    Changes 6th April 2022[]

    • p.28: Added the following hit locations listings:
    Roll rangeHit location (Quadruped)
    9-11Left Front Leg
    12-14Right Front Leg
    15-17Left Hind Leg
    18-20Right Hind Leg
    Roll rangeHit location (Flying Insect)
    9-11Left Wing (as leg)
    12-14Ring Wing (as leg)
    • p.29: after the Increasing Damage section, add a new section with the header "Random Quantities" and under it add the following body text: "Combat dice are also used to randomly determine how many items you scavenge. Where it is listed in the loot tables (p.200), roll the number of combat dice listed and add the result to the static amount listed."
    • p.70: Change the second sentence to "When you make a ranged attack, you may spend 2 AP to increase the Fire Rate of your gun by +2 for that attack."
    • p.80: Change "wares: 3 rolls each..." bullet point to "Wares: Roll 3 times each on the random ammunition table (p.200), random chem table (p.204), and Random Oddities and Valuables table (p.207).”
    • p.104: Science perk has 4 ranks, not 3.
    • p.107: Add "Gun Nut 1" to the perk column of all Flamer mods, except Huge Tank and Vaporization Nozzle, which have the requirement "Gun Nut 2”.
    • p.136: Armour Upgrade Mods table incorrectly lists "Laminated", "Resin", and "Microcarbon" options, and have been replaced by “Lighter Build”, “Pocketed”, and “Deep Pocketed” and their respective effects.
    • p.137: Weight and Cost columns for all power armor entries have been swapped back correctly.
    • p.204: Added the bottom row to the Random Ranged Weapons table, adding Laser Rifle, Auto Pipe Rifle, and Combat Rifle.
    • p.339: The Bloodbugs proboscis attack TN should be 7.
    • p.341: The brahmin's headbutt attack TN should be 7.
    • p.342: The deathclaw's slam attack TN should be 14
    • p.342: Under the deathclaw's 'Weak Spot' special ability, the effect doesn't apply to random hits to the torso, not head.
    • p.345: The Mirelurk Hunter's pincers attack TN should be 13.
    • p.349: The mutant hound's bite attack TN should be 12.
    • p.351: Both the radscorpion's attack TNs should be 12.
    • p.356: The glowing one's Unarmed attack TN should be 13.
    • p.362: Mister Gutsy's pincer attack TN should be 9.
    • p.362: Mister Gutsy's 10mm auto pistol attack TN should be 11.
    • p.363: The Protectron's arm lasers attack should be BODY + Guns (TN 7)
    • p.365: The sentry bot's missile launcher attack should be BODY + Guns (TN 15)
    • p.368: The super mutant behemoth's missile launcher attack has been removed.
    • p.371: The super mutant suicider's pipe bolt action rifle attack TN should be 9.
    • p.382: The brotherhood elder's long laser rifle attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 12)
    • p.383: The brotherhood knight's long laser rifle attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 10)
    • p.384: The brotherhood paladin's improved long laser rifle attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 14).
    • p.385: The brotherhood scribe laser pistol attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 8).
    • p.385: The brotherhood lancer long laser rifle attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 9).
    • p.388: The raider psycho's Molotov co*cktail attack TN should be 6.
    • p.390: The raider veteran's Molotov co*cktail damage should be 4 combat dice.
    • p.391: The children of atom's gamma gun attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 8).
    • p.392: The gunner's laser gun attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 9).
    • p.393: The mercenary's double-barrelled shotgun attack TN should be 9.
    • p.393: The mercenary's Molotov co*cktail attack TN should be 6.
    • p.394: The minute man's laser musket attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 10).
    • p.395: The Institute scientist's Institute laser attack should be PER + Energy Weapons (TN 10).
    • p.396: The trader/caravan merchant's Molotov co*cktail attack TN should be 6.
    • p.396: The vault dweller's unarmed strike attack TN should be 6.
    • p.397: The wastelander's unarmed strike attack TN should be 8.
    • p.397: The wastelander's machete attack TN should be 9.

    Changes 6 th September 2022[]

    • p.44: Remove Gauss weapons from both Big Guns and Energy Weapons on the Skills Summary.
    • p.77: Under the equipment for Mister Farmerhand, add “(1 uncommon material)” to one bag of fertilizer.
    • p.78: Change the second piece of equipment for the Super Mutant Skirmisher to ‘Pipe rifle (pipe gun with long barrel and full stock mods), and 8 +4 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (1) rounds of .308 ammunition'.
    • p.97-99: Change all instances of Standard Stock under the mods for each Small Guns weapon to Full Stock.
    • p.97: Tuned under Receiver mods for the Hunting Rifle should read Hair Trigger.
    • p.98: The Armor Piercing Receiver mod for the Submachine Gun has been removed.
    • p.98: Rapid under Receiver mods for the Submachine Gun should read Hair Trigger.
    • p.98: The Short Barrel mod for the Submachine Gun has been removed.
    • p.98: The Stub Barrel mod for the Pipe Bolt-Action has been removed.
    • p.99: The Stub Barrel mod for the Syringer has been removed.
    • p.100: Add the following Capacitor Mods to the Small Guns Mods table;
    Full CapacitorsHigh CapacityGain Vicious-+37Gun Nut 3
    Science! 2
    Capacitor Boosting CoilMaximum Capacity+1 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (2) damageGain Vicious+2+82Gun Nut 4
    Science! 3
    • p.100: The Cost for the Large Magazine Mod should be +8.
    • p.105: The Full Stock mod should give the Two-Handed quality.
    • p.111: The Sledgehammer should have the Two-Handed quality.
    • p.120: The Breaker damage effect for both the Nuka Grenade and Nuke Mine should be the Breaking damage effect.
    • p.120: The Thrown (M) Quality for the Nuke Mine, Plasma Mine and Pulse Mine should be the Mine Quality.
    • p.137: The following Power Armor pieces have corrected costs;
    Armor PieceCost
    T-51 Leg130
    T-60 Helm130
    T-60 Chest Piece250
    T-60 Arm170
    T-60 Leg170
    X-01 Helm140
    X-01 Chest Piece280
    X-01 Arm200
    X-01 Leg200
    • p.183: The fertilizer produced by the Pack Brahmin should be designated as an ‘(uncommon material)'.
    • p.200: The second paragraph of the Modded Items boxout has been moved underneath the list of nine-item categories.
    • p.202: Item 14 on the Random Food table should be Squirrel Bits.
    • p.202: The Foraging table has been updated;
    D20 RollFood Found
    1Brain Fungus
    2Glowing Fungus
    15-16Silt Bean
    • p.203: Items 15 and 27 on the Random Beverages should be Blood Pack.
    • p.214: The materials for crafting Mentats are Uncommon Materials x3, Rare Materials x2 and Brain Fungus x2.
    • p.215: The materials for crafting Mind Cloud are Uncommon Materials x2, Rare Materials x3, Asbestos x2 and Purified Water x1.
    • p.222: The Magazine Mods listed below can now be crafted at Weapons Workbench;
    Large Mag4Gun Nut 1RepairUncommon
    Quick-Eject Mag5Gun Nut 1RepairUncommon
    Large Quick Eject Mag5Gun Nut 2RepairUncommon
    • p.335: The bracketed section for Caps now reads (this is listed as ‘Wealth', with a rating from 1-5, but sometimes higher for cash-rich NPCs),
    • p.339: A successful END + Survival test when butchering a bloodbug should yield 1 portion of bloodbug meat and 1 blood sac.
    • p.340: A successful END + Survival test when butchering a bloatfly should yield 1 portion of bloatfly meat and 1 bloatfly gland.
    • p.342: The deathclaw is a Mutated Lizard.
    • p.345: The mirelurk gives 52 XP when defeated or overcome.
    • p.346: The mirelurk queen's acid spray attack now does 10 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (3) Piercing Radioactive Poison damage.
    • p.349: The mutant hound has Body 6 and Mind 4.
    • p351: The radscorpion gives 52 XP when defeated or overcome.
    • p.351: When butchering a radscorpion, a successful END + Survival test also yields 1 radscorpion stinger if an Effect is rolled.
    • p.352: Radstag has Body 6 and HP 11. The radstag's antlers attack TN should be 9.
    • p.353: When butchering a stingwing, a successful END + Survival test also yields 1 stingwing barb if an Effect is rolled.
    • p.356: The glowing one should have HP 17.
    • p.360: Mister Handy should have the following S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes;

    Mister Handy's Energy Weapons Tag Skill is replaced with the Big Guns Tag Skill, rated at 3. Mister Handy has HP 16. Mister Handy has Luck Points 3. Mister Handy's pincer attack deals 2 Physical damage. Range C is removed from both the pincer and buzzsaw attacks. Mister Handy's flamer attack should be END + Big Guns (TN 8).

    • p.362: Mister Gutsy should have the following S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes;

    Mister Gutsy's Energy Weapons Tag Skill is replaced with the Big Guns Tag Skill, rated at 4. Mister Gutsy has HP 18. Mister Gutsy has Initiative 19. Mister Gutsy's pincer attack deals 2 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (4) Physical damage. Range C is removed from the pincer attack. Mister Gutsy's flamer attack should be END + Big Guns (TN 11).

    • p.365: The sentry bot has the self-destruct attack; SELF DESTRUCT: BODY + Melee (TN 14), 6 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (5) Physical damage, Blast
    • p.365: The sentry bot has the Big special ability;

    BIG: The sentry bot is bigger than most characters, towering over them. The robot receives an additional +1 health point per Level, but its Defense decreases by 1, to a minimum of 1. Further, it only suffers a Critical Hit if an attack inflicts 7+ damage (after damage resistance) in a single hit, rather than the normal 5+.

    • p.368: The super mutant brute has Small Guns as a Tag Skill. The super mutant brute has 2 (Head) Energy DR. The super mutant brute's pipe bolt-action rifle has the Unreliable quality.
    • p.369-370: The super mutant master has Big Guns as a Tag Skill with a rating of 4. Their Unarmed Skill has a rating of 4. They have Repair 2 and Speech 2. They have Luck Points 3. Their Phys. DR is 4 (All). Their Energy DR is 2 (Head); 4 (Arms, Legs, Torso). Their unarmed strike attack TN should be 14. Their minigun attack should be END + Big Guns (TN 12). Their missile launcher attack should be END + Big Guns (TN 12). Their inventory is; Minigun OR Missile Launcher, Assorted human bones (2 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (6) Junk Items), Wealth 1, Army Helmet, Sturdy Raider Chest Piece, Sturdy Raider Arms x2, Sturdy Raider Legs x2
    • p.371: Chains have been removed from their Inventory. Pipe bolt-action rifle has been added to their Inventory.
    • p.373: The synth has Mind 4.
    • p.373: The synth's Institute Laser should read; INSTITUTE LASER: BODY + Guns (TN 8), 4 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (7) Vicious Energy damage, Burst, Fire Rate 3, Close Quarters, Inaccurate, Range C
    • p.374: The synth courser's Melee Weapons skill is not a tag skill.
    • p.374: The synth courser's Institute Laser should read; INSTITUTE LASER: PER + Energy Weapons (TN 12), 5 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (8) Vicious Piercing 1 Energy damage, Burst, Fire Rate 3, Inaccurate, Two-Handed, Range C
    • p.375: The synth courser's Institute Laser Rifle in their Inventory has the Full Stock, Photon Agitator and Improved Barrel mods.
    • p.375: The synth strider's Institute Laser should read; INSTITUTE LASER: Body + Guns (TN 10), 4 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (9) Vicious Energy damage, Burst, Fire Rate 3, Range M
    • p.376: The synth strider's Institute Laser Gun in their Inventory has the Photon Agitator, Long Barrel and Short Scope mods.
    • p.376: The synth trooper should have Phys. DR 3 (All) and Energy DR 4 (All).
    • p.376: The synth trooper's Institute Laser should read; INSTITUTE LASER: Body + Guns (TN 15), 4 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (10) Vicious Energy damage, Burst, Fire Rate 3, Range M
    • p.376: The synth trooper's Institute Laser Gun in their Inventory has the Photon Agitator, Long Barrel and Short Scope mods.
    • p.377: The machine gun turret mk I's machine gun attack does not have the Stun damage effect.
    • p.378: The machine gun turret mk III's machine gun attack does not have the Stun damage effect.
    • p.378: The machine gun turret mk V has Mind 6.
    • p.382: The elder has Repair as a Tag Skill with a rating of 3. The elder has a Melee Bonus of +1 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (11). Their unarmed strike attack should deal 3 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (12) Physical damage.
    • p.383: The paladin has HP 20 (10 Arms, 10 Head, 10 Legs, 17 Torso).
    • p.385: The scribe's Lockpick Skill has a rating of 1.
    • p.385: The lancer's unarmed strike attack does 2 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (13) Physical damage, rather than 5 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (14) Physical damage.
    • p.386: The raider has 1 (Arms, Torso, Legs) for both Phys. DR and Energy DR.
    • p.387: The raider boss should have a rating of 3 for their Melee Weapons Tag Skill. Their Big Guns Tag Skill should be rated 2. Their Small Guns Tag Skill should be rated 4. Their Initiative is 21. Their second attack should be FRAG GRENADE: PER + Explosives (TN 11) and remaining text for this attack stays the same. The TN for their hunting rifle attack is 12.
    • p.389: The raider scavver gives 52 XP when defeated or overcome.
    • p.391: The Children of Atom have an L attribute of 4. Their HP is 12.
    • p.392: The gunner's unarmed strike attack does 2 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (15) Physical damage, rather than 4 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (16) Physical damage.
    • p.393: The minuteman has Energy Weapons as a Tag Skill. The minuteman has Small Guns 2 and it is not a Tag Skill. The minuteman has Survival 2 and it is a Tag Skill.
    • p.396: The trader has a Double-Barrel Shotgun and a Molotov co*cktail in their Inventory.
    • p.396: The vault dweller should not have Survival as a Tag Skill.
    • p.397: The wastelander should have the following S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes;

    They have HP 9. They have Initiative 10. The wastelander's unarmed strike attack has TN 7. The wastelander's machete attack has TN 8. The wastelander's double-barrelled shotgun attack has TN 7. In the wastelander inventory, Wealth should have a value of 1.

    • p.398: The zetan has HP 15. The Zetan's alien blaster attack does not have the Blast quality.

    Changes Q2 2024[]

    • p.57: The first sentence of ‘Trait: Vault Kid' should read, ‘Your healthier start to life at the hands of trained doctors and sophisticated auto-docs means you reduce the difficulty of all END tests to resist the effects of disease by one to a minimum of zero.'
    • p.117: The Barbed mod should only give Piercing 1. Cost is +1.
    • p.216: The table entry for the Cooking Station should read;
    Cooking Station-2-SurvivalCommon
    • p.217: The following item can be crafted from the Cooking Station;
    Squirrel StewBloodleaf x1
    Carrot x1
    Dirty Water x2
    Squirrel Bits x1
    Tato x1
    • p.391: The Children of Atom have Speech as a Tag Skill.
    • p.394: The railroad agent's hunting rifle attack should have Physical damage.
    • p.397: The wastelander's carry weight is 210 lbs.

    Winter of Atom[]

    Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (17)

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    Rust Devils NPC Pack[]

    Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (18)

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    Settler's Guide Book[]

    Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (19)

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    Wanderer's Guide Book[]

    Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (20)

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    Reilly's Rangers NPC Pack[]

    • p.4: Any mention of shamrock should read clover.
    • p.21: Any mention of shamrock should read clover.

    External links[]

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    Fallout: The Roleplaying Game errata (2024)
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    Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5345

    Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

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    Author information

    Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

    Birthday: 1993-06-17

    Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

    Phone: +9779049645255

    Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

    Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

    Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.